My grandparents had this broom table. When I was a baby I would play on it. I would assume that it was great fun. Although I don't remember it. My parents did photograph it since I would do it quite often.A few years ago my grandfather died and I went with my dad to help clean out the house. I got to keep the broom table. Within days of getting it in our living room ~ Dallin decides it's would be great fun to play under it. He was almost too big for it, so it didn't last long. But I did snap just a few photographs...
Just last week, Miss Maggie has decided that it is also great fun to play under this table! Although she doesn't quite know how to get down when she is done. She quite frequently falls off of it. But that is ok. She will figure it out!
Friday, August 31, 2007
Posted by Monica at 3:10 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Back from Forks, Washington
Phew! I have now returned from my vampire world. My friend finished the last book, Eclipse. Now I am done. The next one isn't going to be released for another year. I can be a wife and mother again! Good thing too! We have family coming over on Labor Day for Maggie's first birthday ~ I have a house to scrub clean, grocery shopping to do, laundry to fold, the list goes on! It was a fun week of reading for me. I get a little obsessive when I find something that I love to do, I guess. But now it's back to my life! Which is wonderful!
Posted by Monica at 9:09 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Truly Pathetic
Yesterday morning, my friend dropped off the 2nd book in the Twilight series that I told you about yesterday. It's called New Moon. I'm done now. I finished at 2:00 am. I really wanted to finish the book before I was needing to take care of my children the next day. I have to admit that I preferred the 1st book more... but it's not going to stop me from reading the 3rd one that just recently was released. I just need to wait for my friend to finish it first. UGH!
Posted by Monica at 9:28 AM 2 comments
Monday, August 27, 2007
Busy Week

Then on Wednesday - as I just got both kids down for a nap and I am about to lay down myself since I was still sleep deprived from the night before ~ there is a knock on my door. I don't know if you know of the Young Adult series called Twilight ~ but it is the rage in this area. We are even doing it for book club in our ward. So I have been waiting for someone to have a copy that I can borrow. Well, this girl in our ward brought it by because she was done with it. Now my one friend started reading it. She said she tried to go to bed three times but just had to get up to keep reading so she could find out what happened next. So I was dreading getting the book to read and just antsy with anticipation to be part of the excitement! After the knock on the door I just knew that I wouldn't be getting a nap that day. And I didn't. I read ~ and read ~ and read. And the next day, I read ~ and read ~ and read. We didn't even have dinner that night. Shame on mommy! 31 hours after getting the book in my hand, it was done. And it's hard to not go and buy the 2nd one right now! I am waiting again to borrow it!
Maggie just absolutely loves to play with the big kids. She tries to do everything that Dallin does. So when he is playing with his tool bench and tools in his room, Maggie is right there with him trying to butt her way in. Needless to say, Dallin doesn't appreciate it too much. But when he isn't around she will take his tools or whatever else she can get her cute little hands on and play with it. Here she is playing Rambo with his tool belt!

Sundays are so dreaded around our home! Because of our church schedule Dallin doesn't get a nap and he is just grumpier than all getout. I can't really concentrate on what is being taught in church and I feel like all I do is yell at my kids. Not exactly the spiritual refreshing day that it is supposed to be. But yesterday - he took a nap!
And he looked so sweet. I hated to wake him to leave. But it had to be done. What a great and wonderful day! He even was getting along so well with Maggie in the evening. He was doing something to entertain her greatly and she would laugh so loud and happy! This is the first Sunday since I can remember that has been so wonderful! I had sweet happy children, my family and friends were here and we had chinese food! Not much more could have improved our Sunday!!
I love my family! My sweet hard working hubby, my beautiful kids, I am just one lucky lady!
Posted by Monica at 9:36 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Oh Donny~
So, I will be hating life tomorrow as this is as late as I have been up since I can remember (with the exception of camping in Yellowstone). My son will be coming into our bed at 6:00 am asking if it's morning and my daughter will be up at 6:05 am crying for her milk. But I simply could not go to sleep tonight without telling anyone who actually reads this about my night! My feeble pregnant brain just doesn't retain information like it did pre-Dallin. So I know that if I wait until naptime tomorrow most of my fun evening will be gone forever!

Posted by Monica at 11:21 PM 2 comments
Monday, August 20, 2007

The shower - ick!
We bought tile, grout, etc to redo the shower, new vanity, linoleum and paint. It got done up until the tiling really quickly. This past month Scott has been working diligently on getting the tiling done too. We have a friend of mine staying with us starting this Saturday and we felt she needed her own shower/space. So we are ALMOST done!!! Tonight is sealing the grout and tomorrow is putting in the shower fixtures! WAHOO!!! Then at some point we will get the molding on the floor and maybe I will find a new window curtain!
This isn't the greatest picture to show how bright the bathroom is... sorry.

Our new shower! Isn't it pretty!!!
So now we are working on the family room! That has to be done before it's my turn to do joyschool in October!

I love my hardworkin' hubby!
Posted by Monica at 9:08 AM 0 comments
Playin' in the Rain
Dallin absolutely LOVES to be outside. He will be "in his toes" all the time if we would let him! (that means bare foot) This weekend we had a bit of an afternoon rain storm. He desperately wanted to put on his duck rain boots and rain coat and go play in the rain! So we let him since there wasn't any lightning. He is just too cute!Earlier in the day we were clipping the parsley shoots that have the seeds on them. So he decided he needed to continue on with what we had started that day.
The storm only lasted a short time... too bad for Dallin!
Posted by Monica at 8:43 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Pole Dancing???
Posted by Monica at 8:38 AM 1 comments
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Camping in Yellowstone....
Overall, we had a wonderful weekend. Camping in the mountains ~ freezing in the mornings ~ grateful we woke up in the morning and not been eaten by a bear ~ learning not to let a pregnant lady get a family ready ~ probably ought to think about the timing of teething and overnight adventures that wake others.
Just a cute shot of Maggie at the lake. She looks a little goofy with only one top front tooth. I keep telling her to get the other one in...
Oh - and last but not least. Very interesting story here. This is called Earthquake Lake (or Quake Lake). Some time ago there was this earthquake that pulled down a lot of a mountain. It stopped the Madison River and made this lake. It is just very odd to look into this lake and see what used to be all these trees! Very eery...
So camping in Yellowstone! We had the very worst of times and the very best of times! I guess you really do need to experience the utter depths of the hot place in order to appreciate the euphoria of being in the middle of nature with the people that you love the absolute most in the world! Can't wait to do it again next year!
Posted by Monica at 8:03 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Our Newest Purchase...
Well, we are now owners of a mini-van. GULP... we made the plunge. It is really pretty. It has a really great stereo in it. So I took Scott out on our anniversary date this past weekend (only over a month late). We went to dinner and a drive in to see Bourne Ultimatum. Scott figured out how to get the surround sound to work and it was a pretty cool show! I had to ask if the bass was coming from our car on one part of the movie because it sounded like one of those cars you can't find when you are at a stop light that is making YOUR car shake... It was pretty cool! We were at the drive in early and Scott had the owner's manual out. "Did you know the van does this??" "Did you know the van has this??" I have to say it was quite funny hearing him so excited about such a thing as this!
We are pretty excited about it, though. Especially Dallin. He will just go and sit in it for 10 or 15 minutes before we are supposed to go somewhere because "our van is SOOO coooooool!" What a crack up!!!
So now we are trying to get rid of an Oldsmobile... anyone know of some high school kid in need???!!!
Posted by Monica at 12:13 PM 2 comments
Saturday, August 4, 2007
It takes a lot to be this beautiful.... You might think that I am just naturally this way... but no... I cause my mother quite a lot of stress every morning.

Posted by Monica at 10:26 AM 2 comments