Some of you know that I started running in the fall. Well - I am a total wuss when it comes to cold. Heck - anyone who knows me would be like, "What? Monica - Run? Those 2 words don't go in the same sentence!!"
Anyway, once the weather got to below 35 or so in the mornings I stopped. I keep saying that I will start again when it's warmer. I hope that I do! I really felt stronger when I was running. I could actually catch my daughter (who is a natural born runner) when she would take off at the park. I actually had abs - not of steel... but abs none the less. Anyway - I just felt really good.
So I was thinking about my lack of motivation to get out running again. Not that I am going to be going
right now. I mean come on - there is still snow and ice on the ground! But I decided that I needed something to motivate me.
I registered Scott and myself in the SLC 5k that is coming up in April. I AM SO SCARED! Even at my best I could only run down our street, around the corner and to the house that was for sale with the big flag pole. I couldn't tell you how far that is... I just know that I would try to make it to
that house. And now - I am $66 committed to start running again. I just hope there aren't any April showers that day!
I don't know that I will EVER want to run a marathon - but maybe a half. I don't know. I guess anything is possible!!!
Well... anything is possible as long as Scott is pushing the jogging stroller. I will be lucky to get MY OWN sorry butt across the finish line - let alone 2 cute baby butts!!!