Monday, August 31, 2009

Dropping Dallin Off At School

Man, this morning was/is tough... Dallin came in at 7:30. I guess it's time to get ready for school! He got dressed, ate breakfast, got his backpack on... I got Maggie in the wagon and off we went!

I tried to get the last of the advice in... Listen to your teacher. The first time. Even if the other kids aren't. He wasn't saying much and I looked at him and his face was trying to be brave.

I asked if he was ok and he said, "Well, not so much. I am scared."

I HATE having to force him to go without knowing he is not scared. But I guess that is just part of trying something new.

I said, "It's ok to be scared, buddy. That's what happens the first time you try something. But you are going to have so much fun!"

When we got there I showed him exactly where I would be when he got done, and tried to show him which line to get into. He stood in line and then ran back to me. This happened about 3 times. Finally it was time to go in. He was last in line, of course. I watched him until he went around the corner of the room.

It was a VERY long, slow walk home because Maggie insisted on pulling the wagon. So I had lots of time to think and wonder how he is doing. Hoping my tenderheart little boy isn't crying his eyes out. I am sure he is having fun. He even met a little boy that is in his class at church yesterday that is also in his school class. They have birthdays in the same month and have the same middle name.

So I will be waiting for him after school today, hoping with my whole heart that he had a GREAT time!!!

OH - and Friday night Dallin lost one of his bottom teeth eating pizza. The other one is barely hanging on. So he wants pizza again tonight. Because OF COURSE it will come out eating pizza!

ta ta for now!!! I will let you know if school was a happy or not so happy experience!

The song choice is for me. It's a flash back for my school days!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Dallin's First Day of School

Dallin's first day of school.... Was I going to be a complete mess or was I going to be able to be tough???

We walked Dallin to school. The first day was more of a parent's meeting. Dallin was really nervous. I have never seen him so shy in my life.

But he was armed with his Iron Man backpack, 2 parents and a little sister by his side!

And we get to the school.... My tummy is a little nervous... Not because I don't think he will do well - I mean he is reading very well and already adding and counting by 2s. More because I don't want to see him be scared or sad.

We get to his class and he fills out his own About Me paper.

Then they took the students to the library while the teacher told us parents how everything will work. It was interesting. They were asking for people to sign up for parties they will have through the year... Get this - I actually signed up for a Christmas Party CRAFT!!! That's going to be a funny one! ME - CRAFT.... They don't typically go in the same sentence.

They took the kids out to the playground after and Dallin didn't know where we were so he was crying. I felt terrible. I will have to explain exactly where I will be meeting him come Monday.

We signed up for an assessment - it was today. Dallin counted to 100 for his teacher - so he is in the 100 Club already. He was very excited about that. She was very impressed with his reading skills. That makes me feel like I have accomplished SOMETHING as a mother.

EDIT~~ The teacher asked him to draw the shape that she said; circle, rectangle, square, etc. When she got to diamond he drew a circle with lines out of it. It actually looked like a stick figure sun. She said, "Well that is close it is actually like this". He said, "No, it's like a diamond on a ring that is shining." WHAT A KID!!???!!!!

As we were leaving the school yesterday, I had this very strange feeling in my chest. It wasn't anxiety for my son. It wasn't that I was super-mom for having a brilliant son. {Even tho he is :)} It was more of an excitement for this new journey that he will be taking on. He loves to learn new things and his mind will be opened to SO many things starting Monday. I am just thrilled for him to have this opportunity! My only anxiety is, what if he doesn't make friends or what if he gets his feelings hurt... Which I know will happen - I just don't want him to have to go through that! I know, I know... It is all part of life. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger.

Anyway - enough of the mushy mommy stuff... After this great first day we decided to go and get some food! Everyday we pass this place called Granny Annie's and I decided that we needed to try it out! We were just going to go for ice cream... But this place is more like a diner and so we just had lunch.

It's the cutest little place that I think I may need to frequent! Especially for their Biscuits and Gravy... The best biscuits I have ever encountered!!!

Scott and Dallin...

So here is my little boy that is venturing into a new phase of life. I don't know how I will be come Monday when I actually have to drop him at the door. I have a feeling that even tho I will have so much pride (the good kind) and excitement for him - I will be a complete mess on the way home. It's just so different than sending him to a friend's house for Joy School.

I love you, Dallin. More than you could ever know. You are my first born and I still remember holding you night after sleepless night the first few months of your life. Enjoy every minute of this experience!!!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Temple Square

So church was cancelled today for the temple dedication. So my friend and I went to temple square. You would think this would be to feel the spirit and reverence for the place... Or to be our spiritual boost for the day. Did I mention that we took HER 4 kids and MY 2 kids... That would be 6 kids. Ya - 6 kids and spiritual day - they just don't mix all that well!

We were trying to keep the kids off the grass by the reflection pond. Not sure they were supposed to be on there or not???

Isn't she just SUCH a girl??? Dora umbrella, velvet dress, bracelet and lip gloss in her hand. Yet she doesn't mind getting dirty one bit!!!

And good luck trying to keep my kids out of water. They are definite water babies!!!

Oh how I wish I had been focusing on Dallin for this pic instead of the temple!!! Love that face!

We went into one of the visitors centers and amazingly enough - there was reverence! Maybe because they were intimidated with about 50 other people there too??? Not sure...

Maggie just LOVED the statues and had to check out every single one of them!

Again - not sure if they were supposed to be up on them. But no one kicked us out... So I guess we were safe...

Now are these 2 siblings or what??!!! Look at their squishy noses, gummy smiles and fat cheeks!!

The treasures of my heart... Right here!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Lagoon's Last Day

We decided to head on over to Lagoon today, since it is the last weekday open. School is starting on Monday so it's only going to be open on the weekends through Halloween, then it will be closed down till next year! Well - I think that EVERYONE in the vicinity had the same brilliant idea as us... And of course it was 100 degrees today. Kind of miserable. But I realized that even though Lagoon monopolized our time this summer, I never took pictures of it. I think I was too afraid to get my camera in any dangerous situation as I am hoping it is going to be my main source of income here soon!

So here are some pictures from my phone!

Flying Aces has recently become the favorite of both the kids. And luckily there is rarely a line!

Think she likes the wind in her hair???

Dallin LOVES being able to control the ride!

On our way to Rattlesnake Rapids we HAVE to stop in Pioneer Village. For some reason, my kids LOVE this section!

We have to go into every building.

Dallin is pretty excited to start school Monday.

Maggie likes the smoke house...

Dallin found this leaf for me. It's a heart. It's so I will always remember that he loves me. I love that kid!

Well - both of them actually....

Here we are in line for Rattlesnake Rapids.

And here we are after getting drenched!

After walking around with soggy bottoms and waiting in looooooonnnngggg lines - I made the executive decision that we were leaving. But we can NOT leave without playing in the fountains!

Yes - they were both soaked. It is the ending ritual at Lagoon. We must not enter the car unless we are soaked clear through.

So here you have it. This is our weekly - sometimes twice weekly - trip! I LOVE season passes and fully intend on getting them again next year! Thanks for a great summer Lagoon!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

County Fair 2009

It was County Fair time again! I LOVE the fair... It is so fun to watch the kids play with the animals and be exposed to things they aren't typically. Such as Betty here...

I call her Betty - just because - well I thought she was ugly and the name Ugly Betty came to mind...

See - just not all that attractive.

This honey was a beast! I was quite worried that she might roll right over on to my tiny children! But the kids LOVED brushing this lady!!!

Maggie was from one animal to the next so fast there was no snapping pictures of her. But Dallin really liked this goat. When we got home and were looking at the pictures he says, "Hey mom! That goat is smiling!!"

And he was...

Kind of spooky, if you ask me....

Then came the yo-yo champion. Those pics didn't turn out so great. After that, the smell of fried food was just too tempting.... So we went to get some!

After the cotton candy, that is....

French fries....

Then, of course....

A corn dog!

And it didn't take long...

for it to be completely GONE!

And Dallin's face tells it all. Totally content! Except I didn't have the blue cotton candy on my chin... Or the ketchup on my lips. That would just be Dallin's talent of getting food all over his face!

And Maggie... Well, you know her eating habits!

We didn't have to pay a dime for HER dinner! GROSS! She did actually eat some french fries.

Then I let the kids ride 2 rides. They chose this train and then the bouncy thingys. I figured why pay for rides at the fair when we have season passes to Lagoon????

On our way to the car we had to take a picture at the fair. Maggie just couldn't stand not knowing what was on the front. What a couple of nerds!

But they are my favorite nerds in the world!

I think that the times have truly changed. There was a RockBand Tournament at the County Fair! UGH!

As we were leaving the fair we saw these horses coming in. We left at about the time most people GET there!!! Anyway, Dallin started ROLLING and saying that the horses were wearing underpants on their heads! I tried to explain what they were for - but he wouldn't have it. They were DEFINITELY wearing underpants on their heads!!!

And I just don't understand why almost every event has to end this way....

But it does. I think I just over-tire my daughter.

But Dallin seems to still be happy - it must be the underpants....

This was the last thing I saw when leaving the fair. I thought it was hilarious!

And then best part about the evening??!!!

This picture took 2nd place in the Flowers section of the Photography Contest!!!!! YIPEE!

I love the fair!

Saturday, August 8, 2009


So I am entering a photo contest entitled "What does summer mean to you?" Since the kids and I go to Lagoon almost weekly I figured that would be the most memorable part of this summer! So I went there tonight. Although I got there too late. I will be trying again a little earlier in the evening this weekend.

Here are my favorites from the night tho...

Any opinions... They are a little fuzzy because it was too dark.... But any favorites?