I was lucky enough to work 6 am to 3 pm shift on Halloween! So I got to go trick or treating with the kids! My friend lives on the air force base and so we went up there for the festivities... We had to go and get me a 2 week pass. When I got up there and tried to follow her directions... it didn't work out so well! I ended up somewhere I wasn't supposed to be. You aren't allowed on your cell phone on the base, so I had to pull into a parking lot and call her and wait for an escort to get me to her house~ UGH!!!! But - we got there and got everyone ready!
I actually dressed up this year. Not a typical thing for me! Halloween is NOT my favorite holiday.
This is the view from Marj's house. I love it!
The kids and Sophie go to the same daycare. Sophie and Maggie adore each other! Dallin tolerates... they are GIRLS after all!
Marj was a bum. I thought she looked GREAT!
And Maggie looked adorable too. I think she was tired of getting her hair curled... She sat still for it so she could go to the church party, Scott's work party AND on Halloween day. That's a lot of sitting still for this kid!
Up on the base - the housing is all the same. So every house had a little step up to it. So every house Maggie had to pull up her dress. I thought it was adorable!
Marjori couldn't believe how well Miss Maggie could keep up with Sophie. Maggie was in those little click clacky princess shoes. Sophie was in sneakers. I think this kid is going to be a high heeled chick!
These 2 kept trying to blow out the candles inside the pumpkins. So funny!!! At least for me. Maybe not for the owners of the pumpkins.. :\ Oh well...
Look at Maggie's lips here. She cracks me up!!!
Dallin was off from house to house so fast that I really couldn't get pictures of him. I feel a little bad about that. But it's over now... Oh well.
I saw several signs for welcoming home daddys that had been off to war. It always makes my heart hurt to think that families have to be pulled apart for something as ugly as war...
OH.. and I saw this totally awesome truck... I loved it.
Anyway - Happy Halloween all!!!!!!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Halloween on the Base
Posted by Monica at 10:04 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Carving Watermelons
We had a very blustery day. I didn't have to work, which always makes the day MUCH more relaxed! So after a poll on Facebook, I decided to make potato soup... YUM
I love it because it has practically NO fat. If you use skim milk (I use 1%) then the only fat is the 1/4 c. butter!
Oh. Except I used a little bacon grease in it this time. It was REALLY good!
Come evening, we decided to carve our pumpkins. Maggie kept calling them watermelons. It was really adorable! We had to decide what to do with them first of all!
Then we had to cut the top...
I think it was a little like Christmas morning for Dallin :)
Then on to pulling out the guts!
I put these pictures on out of order. And can't seem to change their placement. So instead of continuing to get frustrated... I am just going to move on...
This is what Dallin FINALLY got out of the pumpkin after all his faces and "GROSS!"
I thought there would have been more than that!
This is when he got it out.
His face while sticking his hand in the pumpkin.
So just imagine that those 3 pictures were in reverse order! UGH!!! So frustrating!
Then we had dinner. The kids had pumpkin quesadillas and I had potato soup!
Maggie kept turning the lights out and saying, "SHHHH... The watermelon seeping!!!!" It was really funny! Well, until I wanted the lights on and she kept turning them off. Then it wasn't funny anymore.
Night Night Watermelons!!!!!!
Posted by Monica at 9:12 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Halloween Party
The kids went to the ward halloween party tonight... They looked absolutely adorable!
Scott's mom made this princess dress for me. I obviously don't have the sewing skills!
She did a great job!
Dallin was a Grim Reaper. He wasn't excited about getting makeup put on... He thought he would look like a girl.
I've not seen any girls that look like this before... So I think we did ok...
Happy Halloween party!!!!!!
Posted by Monica at 9:58 PM 0 comments
I showed my age the other night at work. We have Lowe's radio on in the store and True Blue by Madonna was on. Now you have to understand, that I am almost as old as most of these people's mothers that I work with. They are pretty young. But they seem to like me ok!!
Like I said, the other night True Blue was on... And these girls were dancing and singing along with it. I had to chuckle... I said, "Hey - I had this record when I was your age!" They were like, "Huh?" I laughed again. I said, "This is Madonna's True Blue. I had the True Blue Album on 33." A customer is walking by and laughs. He says, "You are showing your true age, ya know!"
They didn't believe me that it was Madonna. So I have printed off the True Blue album cover and am going to take it in.
I just thought it was pretty funny!!!!
Posted by Monica at 10:07 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 16, 2009
My Birthday
Today's song is dedicated to my mother... Boom Boom Pow. Probably not the BEST song for my kids to love.
Yesterday was my birthday. Another year older... Not sure how I feel about that :-( But I guess nothing can be done about it. The kids decided that we were going to celebrate at Chuck E Cheese... hmmmmm... I always love to see my kids laughing and having fun, so I thought it would be a good idea!
Maggie likes to run and put money in the machines. She doesn't really get that she has to play afterwards. But if it gives her tickets then she is extra excited!!
Please don't judge my sense of style! Maggie has been extremely independent in her choices of clothing. And yes, her shoes are on the wrong feet. She was thrilled and said something like, "Mommy, I did my shoes!" She was so proud of herself, I just didn't have the heart to have her switch them.... Anyway - She found a sundress that was in the too small clothes pile and put it on with a skirt that is too big. So I figure she is alright! :)
We really love the jump rope game... Dallin is starting to get the hang of it...
Maggie isn't... And me... Well - I love it, but since I have had kids I have to be selective on the times that I jump up and down repeatedly :(
This was by far the most loved event of the day...
What are they, you ask?? They are Chuck E Cheese credit cards!
Usually it's Maggie who hordes this one. But this day it was Dallin...
I think we have PLENTY of cards to last for a while!
After that I knew I needed to go to my BFF's house (Stephanie). We had discussed going over after Chuck E Cheese. As we were leaving I kept thinking, and thinking... I felt a little like Winnie the Pooh when he couldn't remember whatever he was supposed to remember... Finally, I just couldn't delay any longer. My cute BFF's bday is exactly 6 weeks after mine. So she tortures me mercilessly for those 6 weeks about how OLD I am. I just did NOT want to call her and say that I simply could not remember why I needed to come over! But, alas... I did. And she laughed, and laughed... and laughed. Her younger mind easily remember I was going to pick up a movie to watch after the kids went to bed!
We picked it up and went home for dinner. Chicken nuggets, french fries and mozzarella sticks.
Then we had to eat my birthday cake that came in the mail! My mother mailed me a penguin cake from Swiss Colony.
It was really good! Like a gigantic petite for (or however you spell it)
After that, the kids went to bed and I put in the movie The Proposal. Then went to bed.
Happy Birthday to me!!! sorry this post is a little late. It's been crazy busy with life, kindergarten, etc...
Posted by Monica at 12:06 PM 1 comments
Friday, October 9, 2009
Riding a 2 wheeler....
Yesterday we decided to go out and try Dallin's bike without training wheels. Dallin is a very timid boy when it comes to trying new things. He just doesn't dig it ~ at all. There is a point where I have to just say - TOUGH! You are doing it! Although most of the time I let him wait until he is ready.
Yesterday was NOT one of the wait it out days. I knew he could do it if only he would try.
So we got to the park. I was getting Maggie's little trike out and he started wheeling around with his feet on the ground... This is a good start.
I think he is starting to get more confident. Look at his adorable smile!!!
Then, while my back was turned to show Maggie how to pedal hers, he goes down this little hill. ALL BY HIMSELF!!!!
Then he was hooked. I didn't have to hold onto the seat even once! I love his look of concentration here.
Then his look of pure joy when he realizes that he really can ride a bike!!!
He went around the picnic tables at the park a few times. Then we went out on the trail!
And off he went. Just like he did when he first learned how to ride with training wheels!
Maggie was so proud of her big brother! It was totally cute!
I really wish my long lens worked better. It totally doesn't like to focus. I have a ton of out of focus shots of Dallin riding the trail. But I figured ~ who wants to see that??? So this is what you get. An out of focus shot of my favorite things in the world! (Yes ~ I know I need to get Maggie tights that fit and a dress that covers her bum...)
Posted by Monica at 10:17 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Airplane Museum and Dancing
Dallin has had his heart set on going to the Hill Airplane Museum for quite a while now. We went for Joyschool last year and they got to dress up in these suits and play on simulators. He loved it. So we packed up yesterday and drove up there. We get there and they are closed on Tuesdays. Needless to say, my tenderheart was crushed. He cried. But we went up again today.
(BTW... the music is for Sarah today... Imani Coppola)
These planes are huge.
And it is very humbling being around all these planes that used to fly to protect our freedoms.
Look at these tires!
There was a midget plane...
Inside there was the room to dress up in and play. Also some science experiments... I think Maggie is HILARIOUS here!!!
Notice she isn't playing with the ball... She is "dwyin my hair, mamma!"
I love how she talks...
My future military boy...
And who knows about this one!
Dallin totally gets into all this kind of stuff...
I thought this was cool. But Maggie wouldn't look at me.
Again - Dallin in another simulator!
There are 2 really huge warehouses full of planes. I have done a blog entry on this before. We have been here a few times. But it seems like we come on the too cold days. So today we got to enjoy being outside and looking at THOSE planes too!!
Maggie kept running back and forth through the sage brush or whatever you call this. Desert brush maybe... whatever. It felt a little Laura Ingalls-y while I was watching her!
She kept running back and forth...
Until she fell...
She got up and couldn't decide if she needed to cry...
She brushed it off...
But still just couldn't decide...
She just came over for a little mommy hug and love...
and then went right back to it.... Back and forth.
And I just don't know what I would do without THIS one!!
The propellers are pretty large too. Maggie thought she would try to move one.
And of course, what one monkey does, the other monkey must do as well!
Or try to anyway~
We were on our way to the car and I thought this was HILARIOUS! These birds just perched up top on the plane.
And while I was taking this one, Maggie ran off. I turned behind me to see if she went back to where we had been playing~
I didn't see her.
Oh - wait...
Maybe I do see her.
What? You don't?
Look harder?
SHE IS SWINGING ON THE PLANES! I really need to get this girl into a gym class!
So we got home and the kids decided they must dance. So they turned on Sleeping Beauty and danced.
I really think I ought to put them on So You Think You Can Dance...
They have been dancing mostly to the Youtube video of Ring on It from the Glee episode from 2 or 3 weeks ago. But now they are branching out.
They are diggin' Aurora and Phillip!
Posted by Monica at 10:11 PM 3 comments