Friday, October 9, 2009

Riding a 2 wheeler....

Yesterday we decided to go out and try Dallin's bike without training wheels. Dallin is a very timid boy when it comes to trying new things. He just doesn't dig it ~ at all. There is a point where I have to just say - TOUGH! You are doing it! Although most of the time I let him wait until he is ready.

Yesterday was NOT one of the wait it out days. I knew he could do it if only he would try.

So we got to the park. I was getting Maggie's little trike out and he started wheeling around with his feet on the ground... This is a good start.

I think he is starting to get more confident. Look at his adorable smile!!!

Then, while my back was turned to show Maggie how to pedal hers, he goes down this little hill. ALL BY HIMSELF!!!!

Then he was hooked. I didn't have to hold onto the seat even once! I love his look of concentration here.

Then his look of pure joy when he realizes that he really can ride a bike!!!

He went around the picnic tables at the park a few times. Then we went out on the trail!

And off he went. Just like he did when he first learned how to ride with training wheels!

Maggie was so proud of her big brother! It was totally cute!

I really wish my long lens worked better. It totally doesn't like to focus. I have a ton of out of focus shots of Dallin riding the trail. But I figured ~ who wants to see that??? So this is what you get. An out of focus shot of my favorite things in the world! (Yes ~ I know I need to get Maggie tights that fit and a dress that covers her bum...)


Skinny Utah Biker said...

Maggie's outfit is what you get when a strong-willed little girl dresses herself. Good job on the bike training and the pictures.

lindygirl said...


Anonymous said...

Maggie, strong-willed?? Oh come on now...Surely you jest! Great job Dallin! Gramma Holcomb had scraped knees and legs from falling over when she learned to ride a 2 wheeler. Never did have training wheels. Only a tricycle. And Maggie's outfit is just fine. Love you all! Mom