Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Baby, It's Cold Outside!

I am not a fan of cold weather... I guess it is tolerable... Sometimes...

But this is a little bit on the extreme! On Monday the weather guy said that it was supposed to be clear up to 38 on Friday! I thought - GREAT! A hot streak! Somehow they are way off. I don't understand it... They are usually right on the mark! Hahahaaa....

I totally did NOT want to take Dallin to school. I do long for the days when my kindergarten-er was a baby still and on these unbearably cold and snowy days all we had to do was stay in the warm house!

I was really looking forward to cleaning the car this weekend without it freezing up. But it doesn't look like that is going to happen. On the way to school today, Dallin tried to get his window down. It was frozen shut. He thought it was funny. I didn't :(

Ok... Somehow I need to find a way to embrace the beautiful falling snow. Re-thinking process is starting. Maybe I can listen to fun songs like this one and get a new attitude!

Funny thing that Maggie did today...

She loves bubble baths. LOVES them... She will sit in them for over an hour if I would let her! Today she said she wanted a bubble bath. I was cleaning the kitchen and she decided that she would take matters into her own hands.

First she takes off her princess dress. Then sit down and takes off her socks. I asked her why she was taking them off. It's still a bit cold in our house. The windows don't keep the heat in very well. She said to me, "Camoss, I want them off!" I finally figured out what Camoss was. Apparently it means Because! I love figuring out her little words! Then she took off her jammies and then ripped off her diaper. Streaking through the house, she is yelling, "BUBBLE BATH!"

She is now in the bath. Love that kid!


Skinny Utah Biker said...

She had a bubble bath last night also.