Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Cinnamon Rolls and Gingerbread Houses

One of my favorite parts of Christmas is that it gives me a valid excuse to make these AMAZING cinnamon rolls!! Thanks PW for the recipe!!!! I made a few pans and took them into work and I think they liked them! :)

Although they weren't made without a few hiccups.... We boiled over about half of the milk while trying to scald it. So we had to start over again...

Then when it was rising... well...

It was quite the mess!

After 2 pans of regular cinnamon rolls, I decided to try and make some with mini chocolate chips.

They look like they will be really tasty!!!

I let them rise a bit much, resulting in....

a bit of a mess... again.

And after a small oven fire, we found out that cinnamon rolls with chocolate chips are really NOT that good. In fact, they are really gross :*(

But this morning we had regular ones for breakfast!

With hot chocolate in regular cups...

And I think they are a hit!

Then last night we decided to make our annual gingerbread house....

I am beginning to realize....

the importance of a good foundation....

Cause this poor thing looks great from the front....

But not the top!

And before the kids even went to bed.....

the poor thing was a complete wreck!

Well, I am going to go enjoy another cinnamon roll before hopping in the shower! Ta Ta!!!!


bechtold clan said...

That is funny...sometimes kitchen disasters happen!! Glad you tried again!! LOL