Sunday, July 19, 2009

Loosing teeth and the color purple

Are these two kids not just the most adorable ones you have ever seen??!!! Well, I think they are :)

This little boy is so excited to start kindergarten this year. I can't believe I only have another month until he is in school. I don't know how I will handle this when it actually comes. Will I cry all day or be ok????

He is doubly excited because he has 2 loose teeth. They are the bottom middle ones. He thinks the tooth fairy is going to leave him lots of stuff. I have tried to prepare him for just getting a little money...

What a nut :)

Maggie seems to love the color purple. Sometimes she likes green... I guess those are the only 2 colors she knows... Does that make me a bad mom??

Maggie, What color is this?

"Dis poepoe!"

mmmmm.... close...

Maggie, what color is this??

"Dis poepoe!!!"

mmmmm.... not really...

Maggie, what color is this??

"Dis poepoe!!"

hmmmm.... maybe we need to work on this...

Maggie, what color is this?

"Dis poepoe, mama!"

Maggie, what color is this?

"Dis poepoe!"

Really - I am not this bad of a teacher am I???

Maggie, what color is this??

"Dis poepoe!"

Good job, Maggie!!! I knew you could do it!!!!!

On a different note... Look what I drove last week!

Yes - I have to say that I felt pretty tough!

I don't know if you can read this very well. Let me just say, it's a Ford F350! I think I am truly in love!

Yes - I was pretty tough! I can now say that I have driven a diesel Ford F350 and pulled a 20 foot trailer!


lindygirl said...

yes, but did you back it up?

Anonymous said...

Of course she backed it up! You doubt the driving skills of your big sis?? How dare you!! LOL
How about some flash cards with colors on them? Think this will help dear Maggie or do you think she is color blind?? Love you, Mom

LBBlum said...

I laughed rolling-- at your color story! My son starting school knew all his colors...( not to brag or boast) When his teacher would ask he simply replied:

"Blue or NOT Blue".

I thought that was clever. He figured out how he could be right 100% of the time with these answers.

love the pictures.

(Oh- not to go on and on and on... but I had a friend who was trying to teach her son his colors and he just wouldn't sit still long enough to focus.. so she bought M&M's and said.. (taking one candy at a time) "You tell me the color and you can have the candy." They went through the bag and amazingly he learned all those colors in a matter of minutes!)

The Holcombs said...

Fun pics about colors, kids are total entertainment. Wow you are daring pulling that trailer. Hope it went well. :)

Kevin from Tx said...

That looks like my old neighborhood in Sandy. Am I right?