Monday, December 29, 2008

Ice Skating

Today we went to The Ice Sheet with my mom, sis and her hubby. It was REALLY fun! I was SO proud of Dallin and the progress that he made in just an hour! I think this is something that we need to do more often!

This is Maggie with her cute little skates on :)

Dallin wanted to get right out on the ice. He was hanging on to Uncle Steve and Aunt Lynnette for dear life!

But his smile was the best!

As soon as we got out on the ice they had us get off so they could smooth is out. So we just took a photo. Maggie didn't want to participate...

Then it was time to get back on the ice!

Maggie wasn't so thrilled...

You would think for such a daring girl with no fear that she would have jumped at this chance...

But she didn't. So gramma just held her on the sidelines...
Dallin was doing a GREAT job!!!

And Maggie was content to watch!

We had Dallin try a bit on his own....

He did really well except for when he was flat on the ice..

Just look at the smile on his face. He fell and he fell and he fell.... But he kept getting up and trying again!!!

This is a fun series of pictures...

He got REALLY good at picking himself back up again!!

What a fun activity to do!! I would love to see if this is something Dallin would like to pursue. I wouldn't mind a hockey kid in the family!

More funny things my kids say...

Last night we went to see the lights at Temple Square with my mom, sister and brother-in-law. Dallin was in the back of the van with my sis and her hubby and they were talking about their wedding and the temple. Part of the conversation went something like this:

D: My mom got married in the temple.

L: Yes she did.

D: I was there.

L: Monica, Dallin says he was at your wedding.

Me: You were there in spirit, baby.

D: Huh?

Me: You were in heaven.

D: No. I can't see from there. There is too much clouds. I was there.

Very cute!!!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

What a nice Christmas! The kids actually slept in. We had to wake Maggie up so we could get Christmas opened before going to Scott's parent's house.

We woke up to snow and icicles...

Santa did pretty good with getting the kids Scooters.... (Shooters as Maggie calls them)

One of my favorite parts of Christmas is seeing the joy on the faces!!!

That would be the trampoline we got for our family present.

Maggie was so thrilled to get a Dora nightgown for Christmas.

After we opened presents we had showers and baths... She of course had to put it BACK on! This is what she wore to the grandparent's house!

But it didn't last ALL day - when she saw that Dallin brought his Star Wars jammies she decided to put his jammies on!
That only lasted about 20 minutes... then Dora won out again!
Lots of fun was had on Christmas! Then we went to the airport and got my step-mom. She is here for a visit until New Years. We are excited to have her here!
Merry Christmas all!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

T'was the day before Christmas...

...and all through the house,

Mom was rushing and shushing the kids all about!

Saying, "Hurry get dressed, we have to deliver!"
So fast that the kids would certainly shiver (since laundry's not folded!)

No socks in the house had a matching pair.
Good grief who has time to brush Maggie's hair!!

Floors to mop, beds to make for company coming...
Why do I always feel like I am running and running???

Finally Daddy got home and dinner we had,
Then off to deliver more rolls - oh so bad!

And when we got home it was time to make,
Our traditional home of gingerbread cake!

Maggie loved all the candy and frosting to eat!
And the end result was really quite neat :)

It was time to put on jammies and ready for bed,
But not before opening 1 present first... Dallin said!

So 1 present they opened because we were chipper.
What was it??? Oh fun! Christmas slipper(s)!!

Then out with Santa's bag and carrot and cookies,
Hot chocolate... What more would he want

And I am out of rhymes.. sorry.

Merry Christmas to all...
Hey - I never claimed to be a poet. I even failed 1 quarter of English in High School. It must have been the poetry quarter!!!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Going through old pictures

We got our external hard drive this week. So I went though all of our pictures from our old computer, new computer and laptop. I think I got all the pictures on it. But it was really fun looking at old pictures. Especially with Dallin's 5th birthday coming up. I just can't believe that he used to be this tiny!

Dallin's first camping trip. We went to Moab and it rained! He was about 8 months old.

He was just over a year when we went to Arizona to see my grampa...

This was when Maggie was born... My dad came out for the blessing and took this.

There are lots more that I would love to post. I guess I can if I don't have anything to post...

A little tidbit that I don't want to forget - thus I am putting it on the blog...
Today we were out and about and Maggie was in her car seat crying for her "gas-eees". She was about to have a breakdown and I looked back to see if I could find them. They were on her face!

They are PINK! How could she not realize she was seeing the world in pink!!???!! That is SO something I would do!!!

Friday, December 19, 2008


This is our forecast... We are expecting a storm this afternoon and tonight... 4 degrees on Sunday... UGH!!!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Carolling with preschoolers...

This year in Joy School the kids have been learning the Christmas Time Is Here song from the Chipmunks, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and Christmas Bells so they could go carolling to some people in our neighborhood. Today was the day to get all bundled up and head off!

Some people weren't home, but they sang anyway!

They got candy at everyone's house that we stopped at. It was as good as Halloween!!!

Maggie was upset about something here - don't remember what...

But fret not! A "Doe-Wa canni" will fix everything!!!

There were snow angels made... I missed that part but I loved seeing the snow on all the kids' backs as they were walking down the sidewalk!

When they got back it was time for Donuts and Grinch!

I think this was fun for the kids. I know it was for me to see them tromping through the snow going from house to house to sings to those who don't have little kids in their homes.

One of the best parts of the morning was this....

This is the patriotic "military" kid that I talked about earlier. His dad has been home for about 4 weeks this entire year. Yes - that is right. He has been in another state while the family lived here. His baby was born a year ago this week and he has been with her for 4-ish weeks.
Anyway - this kid came upstairs when his dad came to pick him up. He didn't know his dad was coming into town. When he opened the door (picture above) he said, "That's weird."

But it didn't take long to jump in his daddy's arms....

He gets to be home for 3 weeks. We are pretty excited for their family...
I have to say - living by the Air Force Base and being in contact with so many people in the military - my heart aches for the families that cannot be together. I have a much greater appreciation for the sacrifice made by the great men and women who defend our country, freedom and rights....