Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Our 4th of July

So my mother called today saying she is missing the kids and wanting to see updates... She even said she would have to get on a plane soon to see them if I didn't get some pictures up. I apologize. I have been crazy busy lately. I was working for my friend's husband who started Olympus Fireworks here in Utah. There have been permits and business licenses to get, tents to outfit and set up, credit card machines to order and what a fiasco that was!!!! Anyway, things have begun to slow down and I am not sure what to do with my time now. So I have been editing pictures, lots and lots of pictures that I took on the 4th.

So forgive me if this is a boring post for you - but it's not for me! :)

I started the morning with taking pictures. I have neglected that for the past month and it felt great to get back out into nature and take photographs!!!

The morning was gorgeous! I was on the road by 5:30 ish. Later than I wanted to be... But I still got some good morning shots.

This is my FAVORITE picture of the morning!

I think I need to submit it to someone somewhere to get it published.

This is a nice sunrise shot too...

There are railroad tracks that I went up to to get pictures of. There is even a rope swing hanging off the bottom going into a creek.

I just thought this was a shot that reminded me of Illinois. I am really wanting to go to Old Settler's this year... But it's just not gonna happen :(

Not sure why I like this one so much - but I do.

So we got the slip and slide out about lunch time. It busted about 10 seconds into it... Oh well. That's what you get with a slip and slide I guess. Dallin decided to get his scooter out and have a little fun...

I giggled pretty good at that, took a picture and then told him to pull his pants up!

Maggie was cute saying she was "CODE"!!!

After we got some clothes on we went down to the park in the wagon that Stephanie gave us! Thanks Steph! (Maggie found this BK crown at a McDonalds we went to in our hours and hours of driving getting fireworks situated - and she won't let go of it!)

Dallin jumped off the swing at the park!

"How good am I", he is thinking!!!!

Then we went back and got the pool going... Maggie is totally into her purse lately. She won't be without it.


She is all about "take a picture, mama!" lately :)

Pulling faces....

Dallin picked out this water gun very carefully. He LOVES it!

He kept spraying it up in the air and then letting it hit him. He was having a ball!

Look at that face! I love that kid!!

Funny kid!

Then we had steaks, chips, corn on the cob and put Maggie to bed.

Of course we lit off fireworks - I mean heck!! I worked for a fireworks company!!!

And then we watched the big ones from our front yard. I have to admit - they aren't even as good as my dad's fireworks display... But they worked. Dallin loved them.

Happy Independence Day!!!


Stinkbombers said...

I LOVE that picture of Dallin!!!!

And your camera is sooo good at taking fireworks pictures!I mean, you have a way good camera, but those are way awesome pictures! :)

The Gordon Clan said...

Hey Monica! It looks like you had quite a fun 4th! I love that picture of the green truck. Actually, I love all the pictures you too - you really have a talent. And, the pictures of your kids are so cute. So, I am coming to Utah in August (6-14) - I was wondering if you and Amber wanted to go to lunch (or dinner). It's been way too long! Talk to you soon!

Anonymous said...

Fantastic pictures! Love Dallin's buttcheeks lol! And I keep telling you that Maggie needs to be a model......Have a great week and I hope you had a good time at Lagoon...Love you all, Mom

The Holcombs said...

Cute pics, I love the fireworks pics. I needed a tripod which I didn't have with me to take some good ones too. Bummer, oh well. I will just enjoy yours. :)