Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Miscellaneous Items of Business

Yesterday when I went to pick Dallin up from his first full day of kindergarten, there was a teacher chair in the K playground... There was also a student chair... What is the first thing I thought??

"OH PLEASE tell me that wasn't Dallin sitting during recess!"

So he came running out of the school with a huge grin on his face and a cupcake in his hand telling me, "Mom!!! My first day of school was a piece of cake!!" I love that kid!!! As I asked him what he did that day and he told me I didn't hear anything about recess. So I asked him if he got to play during recess or if he had to sit down... Luckily... He got to play! PHEW!!!!!!

This morning we walked to school together and he was very excited to go. There was no pushing him to get in line or anything. He didn't even look back for me when he was walking in! Although he DID remind me exactly where to meet him after wards!

And his new little friend, Jacob is even at his table in school and he got to come over and play for a bit before I had to go to work. So I think he is getting adjusted.

He is looking a little silly with his 1 middle loose bottom tooth. It is kind of sideways now. He actually gave me permission to pull it out yesterday - but I couldn't get it. And then today he wouldn't let me try.

And we mustn't forget Maggie whilst we are taking photographs!!!!!

What a nut!