Monday, August 31, 2009

Dropping Dallin Off At School

Man, this morning was/is tough... Dallin came in at 7:30. I guess it's time to get ready for school! He got dressed, ate breakfast, got his backpack on... I got Maggie in the wagon and off we went!

I tried to get the last of the advice in... Listen to your teacher. The first time. Even if the other kids aren't. He wasn't saying much and I looked at him and his face was trying to be brave.

I asked if he was ok and he said, "Well, not so much. I am scared."

I HATE having to force him to go without knowing he is not scared. But I guess that is just part of trying something new.

I said, "It's ok to be scared, buddy. That's what happens the first time you try something. But you are going to have so much fun!"

When we got there I showed him exactly where I would be when he got done, and tried to show him which line to get into. He stood in line and then ran back to me. This happened about 3 times. Finally it was time to go in. He was last in line, of course. I watched him until he went around the corner of the room.

It was a VERY long, slow walk home because Maggie insisted on pulling the wagon. So I had lots of time to think and wonder how he is doing. Hoping my tenderheart little boy isn't crying his eyes out. I am sure he is having fun. He even met a little boy that is in his class at church yesterday that is also in his school class. They have birthdays in the same month and have the same middle name.

So I will be waiting for him after school today, hoping with my whole heart that he had a GREAT time!!!

OH - and Friday night Dallin lost one of his bottom teeth eating pizza. The other one is barely hanging on. So he wants pizza again tonight. Because OF COURSE it will come out eating pizza!

ta ta for now!!! I will let you know if school was a happy or not so happy experience!

The song choice is for me. It's a flash back for my school days!


Anonymous said...

You are such a great Mom! Always there for your kids and worrying about how they feel. I'm so proud of you. Love you! Mom