Monday, May 11, 2009

It's my special night!

Tonight was a very special night indeed ~ it was Dallin's very first Tball game!

Isn't he just the most handsome kid ever????!!!!!

This is his coach. Coach Bo.

This is his team... The Jays... Dallin is #7.

And his first time to bat!

Off he goes!!! As fast as his little legs will carry him!
They have great people to help encourage the kids.

I was SO glad he got to first without getting out!
Then the ball was hit again and he was off to 2nd!
This was hilarious! Of course I forgot to zoom the lens - but you get the idea. He totally jumped onto the base and then put his arms up... SUCCESS!!!!!
This is when he was on his way home.... He is running...
And grinning!

Then looking for mom and her camera!!!!
Kinda busy now mom!!! But I will give you a wave!
But now I must touch the home plate!!! (or is it base?? I don't know - I am sport knowledge challenged)
And of course what event...
Could possibly BE an event....
Without a little pole dancing???!!!

Well - this was our very special Monday night! As will the be the next 6-ish weeks of Monday and Wednesday nights!!!!
It was fun.
Until Dallin got slugged in the stomach by a kid from the other team during the high fives at the end... At which time he decided that he HATES BASEBALL!!!! Won't this be a fabulous 6 weeks!!???!!!


Anonymous said...

Monica, you have got such great kids! What else can I say?? They are soooo very entertaining! Maggie is an absolute doll and just let her swing herself around on the poles! No harm, no foul! Love you, Mom

Tricia said...

Catching up on all of my blogging and blog to see what you guys are up to! Miss you!

Stinkbombers said...

OH MY WORD!!! I was giggling so much looking at those pictures! Especially the one where he was looking for you while he ran. HILARIOUS!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ok so cute, wow he is getting so big and playing t-ball! Awesome, we are so proud. lots of love!!