Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Carving Watermelons

We had a very blustery day. I didn't have to work, which always makes the day MUCH more relaxed! So after a poll on Facebook, I decided to make potato soup... YUM

I love it because it has practically NO fat. If you use skim milk (I use 1%) then the only fat is the 1/4 c. butter!

Oh. Except I used a little bacon grease in it this time. It was REALLY good!

Come evening, we decided to carve our pumpkins. Maggie kept calling them watermelons. It was really adorable! We had to decide what to do with them first of all!

Then we had to cut the top...

I think it was a little like Christmas morning for Dallin :)

Then on to pulling out the guts!

I put these pictures on out of order. And can't seem to change their placement. So instead of continuing to get frustrated... I am just going to move on...

This is what Dallin FINALLY got out of the pumpkin after all his faces and "GROSS!"

I thought there would have been more than that!

This is when he got it out.

His face while sticking his hand in the pumpkin.

So just imagine that those 3 pictures were in reverse order! UGH!!! So frustrating!

Then we had dinner. The kids had pumpkin quesadillas and I had potato soup!

Maggie kept turning the lights out and saying, "SHHHH... The watermelon seeping!!!!" It was really funny! Well, until I wanted the lights on and she kept turning them off. Then it wasn't funny anymore.

Night Night Watermelons!!!!!!