Friday, October 16, 2009

My Birthday

Today's song is dedicated to my mother... Boom Boom Pow. Probably not the BEST song for my kids to love.

Yesterday was my birthday. Another year older... Not sure how I feel about that :-( But I guess nothing can be done about it. The kids decided that we were going to celebrate at Chuck E Cheese... hmmmmm... I always love to see my kids laughing and having fun, so I thought it would be a good idea!

Maggie likes to run and put money in the machines. She doesn't really get that she has to play afterwards. But if it gives her tickets then she is extra excited!!

Please don't judge my sense of style! Maggie has been extremely independent in her choices of clothing. And yes, her shoes are on the wrong feet. She was thrilled and said something like, "Mommy, I did my shoes!" She was so proud of herself, I just didn't have the heart to have her switch them.... Anyway - She found a sundress that was in the too small clothes pile and put it on with a skirt that is too big. So I figure she is alright! :)

We really love the jump rope game... Dallin is starting to get the hang of it...

Maggie isn't... And me... Well - I love it, but since I have had kids I have to be selective on the times that I jump up and down repeatedly :(

This was by far the most loved event of the day...

What are they, you ask?? They are Chuck E Cheese credit cards!

Usually it's Maggie who hordes this one. But this day it was Dallin...

I think we have PLENTY of cards to last for a while!

After that I knew I needed to go to my BFF's house (Stephanie). We had discussed going over after Chuck E Cheese. As we were leaving I kept thinking, and thinking... I felt a little like Winnie the Pooh when he couldn't remember whatever he was supposed to remember... Finally, I just couldn't delay any longer. My cute BFF's bday is exactly 6 weeks after mine. So she tortures me mercilessly for those 6 weeks about how OLD I am. I just did NOT want to call her and say that I simply could not remember why I needed to come over! But, alas... I did. And she laughed, and laughed... and laughed. Her younger mind easily remember I was going to pick up a movie to watch after the kids went to bed!

We picked it up and went home for dinner. Chicken nuggets, french fries and mozzarella sticks.

Then we had to eat my birthday cake that came in the mail! My mother mailed me a penguin cake from Swiss Colony.

It was really good! Like a gigantic petite for (or however you spell it)

After that, the kids went to bed and I put in the movie The Proposal. Then went to bed.

Happy Birthday to me!!! sorry this post is a little late. It's been crazy busy with life, kindergarten, etc...


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a wonderful birthday!! And when you put up True Blue did that 'erase' the Boom Boom song?? Cause the only song I could get was True Blue. Perhaps that's a good thing though. I happen to like the True Blue song and yes, it is strange when you realize that you are 'older'. I remember the first time someone called me ma'am and how old it made me feel. You just wait until your doctor is younger than you. That is frightening! Love you all!! Mom