Saturday, October 24, 2009


I showed my age the other night at work. We have Lowe's radio on in the store and True Blue by Madonna was on. Now you have to understand, that I am almost as old as most of these people's mothers that I work with. They are pretty young. But they seem to like me ok!!

Like I said, the other night True Blue was on... And these girls were dancing and singing along with it. I had to chuckle... I said, "Hey - I had this record when I was your age!" They were like, "Huh?" I laughed again. I said, "This is Madonna's True Blue. I had the True Blue Album on 33." A customer is walking by and laughs. He says, "You are showing your true age, ya know!"

They didn't believe me that it was Madonna. So I have printed off the True Blue album cover and am going to take it in.

I just thought it was pretty funny!!!!