Thursday, December 10, 2009


Last night I was laying in bed. About 11 pm there was a knock at my door. My stomach dropped. Then I heard the door knob rattle. I started thinking, "WHAT IF I DIDN'T LOCK THE DOOR?" I was totally freaking out. After a bit I heard the hard snow being walked on. Then my car door opened... HOLY CRAP! I forgot to lock my car. I never forget to lock my car! After another little bit the car in front of my house left. I called a friend to stay on the phone with me while I went outside to check my car. Just wanted to make sure someone knew I was dead if I got killed!

I walk outside in the freezing cold and get to my car. Open the door. On the seat was... a package of double stuff oreos... I think I know who left them, but she is denying it!!! I was never so relieved!!!! It was one of the most terrifying experiences of my life! How am I supposed to defend my children if someone were to come into my home??

Needless to say - I locked my car door. Came in the house and checked the door lock, deadbolt lock AND the chain lock. Then hopped under my down comforter! Still didn't fall asleep for several hours...

So this morning I took a shower and while I was in the shower...

an Oreo Monster broke into the house! This Oreo Monster only eats the filling of Oreos! Good thing they were DOUBLE STUFF!!!!

I wonder where else I will find naked oreos???

Maggie cracks me up!

Then after we got back from Dallin's Art class I was folding clothes upstairs. Meanwhile... the Oreo Monster struck again!

But this time, she put them all on a plate for me! Isn't that just sweet????

And totally random, here... Anyone know how to get pink dye from cardstock off a table??

The kids were letting their action figures go for a swim on the table but didn't clean it off of papers first. This pink paper got wet and left on the table. Now I have pink dye stuck to my table!!! Isn't it always SOMETHING??


Stinkbombers said...

I simply would have started crying!!!! Oh my gosh! I'm glad it was a friend!

One morning, we were getting ready and it was probably like 6:30. And there was a knock on our door. And we're thinking, "It's 6:30, no one should be coming to our door." And when Steve opened it, no one was there. Soooo we think maybe someone just knocked on the wrong door to pick someone up maybe? But I was scared...
I'm pretty sure almost every night when we've gotten all warm in bed, I think to myself, "Did we lock the door?" And then I have to ask Steve because I never remember. haha.

Robyn said...

Magic Eraser maybe?

Robyn said...

Get a gun.

lindygirl said...

a big one.

Monica said...

Don't know if getting a gun would be safer since I haven't shot one for a VERY long time!!

Kevin from Texas said...

Guns are always the answer.