Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Here we go again...

Remember this??? (If not you can click on the red lettering and re-read the post!)

Poor Cinderella...

Turned into Poor Maggie walking off the woodstove...

Then Poor Drusella...

Turned into Poor Maggie sliding down our apple tree...

I am so nervous!

She did a double doozie...

Prayers are being accepted for NO BAD KARMA...

After all... It's just Cinderella again. She is just in a white dress instead of a blue one! And Snow White doesn't REALLY need 2 hands does she???

Altho I have to admit that I am traveling back in time to my brother burning and maiming his action figures... Oh how I wish that I had gotten pictures of that so I could compare them to my sweet daughter's princesses!

Jeremy used to burn and cut off limbs. Maggie simply uses her teeth and bites them off...

But she just looks so sweet, right?

(She said, "I mommy!" when she put on my glasses the other day! It was really cute!)


Anonymous said...

I guess you could be thankful for your daughter's good strong teeth! She is adorable and sweet as suga'. How can anyone not love that face?? Love you all!

LBBlum said...

I love stories about your daughter! She seems like such a character!
{poor mom} but one day you'll look back and laugh.