Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Happy Birthday!

Wow! What a fun day! Our little girl is one! It doesn't really seem possible! But it's true... Her birthday landed on Labor Day this year - appropriate, eh? We had some family that could come and friends that could come over for shish kabobs, salad, rice, watermelon, rolls and of course birthday cake and ice cream!! I tried some new recipes for the kabobs, which always sends oh-no's through my family! But they actually turned out really good!

Maggie didn't quite get the whole gist of her birthday. She never did get the opening of the presents... she would rather eat the bags they came in! But that ok. She loved the new toys (as did all the little ones that were here!)

Dallin helped me with Maggie's cake. He wanted to put the sprinkles on. He did a very nice job of it too!

We sang Happy Birthday to Maggie and she thought she needed to put her hand right in the cake!

Then show her daddy what she could do!

Hmmm, maybe this might be tasty!

Then we cut out the part that she had already claimed and let her really get into it.

After a quick bath to get the frosting and cake out of her hair, we pulled out the gifts!

They were definitely a hit with the small children. Maggie looks so pleased to have friends over!

Even Dallin got into playing with her toys!

And once again ~ we have another climber. She has been climbing everything. She especially likes the hearth. We will have to do something about that before it gets cold and we start the fireplace up!

And of course the gracious host that she is blows kisses to her guests as they leave!

What a wonderful day! We just wish that we could have had all of our family and friends there to help us celebrate!


bechtold clan said...

ah- so adorable! Looks like a lot of fun! happy birthday wishes

Tam said...

Okay, she is really cute. I love her curls!!! I can't wait to see your family again, we will be in your area in November!!!