Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Dallin's Room

We just finished doing Dallin's room today. We don't have the chair rail up in either room yet - but it will happen soon. Dallin's room was TONS easier than Maggie's. I got all the painting done in 1 day. His room started out the same as Maggie's. We have that same Desert Fortress all through the upstairs of the house. So I only had paint the bottom half of Dallin's walls.

But I am getting ahead of myself. We started out wanting to do a blue in Dallin's room with red, green, yellow and orange circles and squares all over the walls.

This is the paint that I wanted to do. Dallin kept insisting that he wanted green walls. I was NOT giving in! I did not want bright green walls in his room!

So we were at Lowe's and saw this camo sticker set while we were looking at Maggie's flowers. I don't know why I never thought of dark green!!??!!!?? So we decided to do Dallin's room in Camo!!! We got a dark green for the bottom of the walls and the top was already the Desert Tan color. So - like I said - his room was pretty easy. Except for the cleaning it out. But I don't want to get started on that. I will get way too grumpy!!!

This is after the painting.

This is after the stickers!!!

We love his room!!!


Anonymous said...

Tanks and Jesus make a good match. You do good work babe.

lindygirl said...

What a fun boy's room!!!!

The Gordon Clan said...

I was going to make a smart alek comment about the tanks and Jesus, but your husband beat me to it! It looks like a fun room - I bet he loves it!