Saturday, January 3, 2009

Dallin's 1st Motorcycle Ride

My dad has a motorcycle. I am pretty anti-motorcycles. We are in Arkansas visiting my parents for a few weeks. We pulled into town and it was a GORGEOUS 74 degrees! My dad decided he was going to take his ride for a ride. He, of course, got Dallin's attention when he started it up!

He begged me to let him go on it with my dad. I decided I had better call Scott before giving permission. He said it would be ok. So we found a helmet and....

put him on the back of the bike and.....

my heart did double time as I watched my baby ride on the back of a bike....

and then it went into triple time...

and I almost cried....

but then they came back....

and there was NO wiping the smile off his face... And then my heart rate went back to normal...


lindygirl said...

Wow. You are brave. I haven't let my kids do that yet....but Grampa doesn't bring his motorcycle here. Look at Grampa's face. I think he enjoyed it just as much as Dallin!