Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Weekend Fun

Last weekend we stayed at our friend's house. We tried to make plans to go to Bear Lake... that didn't work out. Then to Vernal... that didn't work out. So we just decided to spend the weekend at their house! It was so fun! We ate far too much food, stayed up way too late and played Rock Band and American Idol not nearly enough!

Friday night we got there, had dinner and played games. The kids ended up having a snuggle under the covers and watch a movie-fest.

Saturday we went to a dinosaur museum down south.


It was really neat to see all the dino bones.
There was also a 3-D movie about dinosaurs. It was really neat. But we all looked like total dorks!
Oh- That would be Brian checking out his hot wife with her totally cool shades on!

These bones are terrifying and were REALLY big! I can't imagine actually meeting one of these things with all their fat, skin and teeth!!!

Did you know there was a dinosaur named a Utahraptor??

I didn't.
I thought this was cool. It's actually a wall that is painted to look like it's a hall that curves. I thought it look realistic!

Sunday morning was all about Barney...

Game Cube....

And breakfast!

We were going to go to Temple Square. But it was snowing like crazy. We decided we didn't want to take the drive. So we played...
I acutally got a COMPLIMENT from Simon on American Idol!! I sang Islands in the Stream by Dolly and Kenny. I love that song!!!

By the time we got around to heading home there was quite a bit of snow on the ground. Our friends live down a dirt road that doesn't get plowed. We got stuck, of course. So Scott and Brian were pushing the van as I was driving.

Oops... Scott wasn't too pleased. There is a crack in the one on the other side too. Oh well - It was a great weekend!!!! Thanks guys!!
BTW, Lasca. Dallin wants us to move into your house so we can have your version of Lego Star Wars. He doesn't get that if you move you take your stuff with you!