Thursday, April 9, 2009

Let's go fly a kite~

Doesn't this sky look like a kite flying sky???

The day started out a little windy...

But by the time we got to the park... it wasn't so much.

But it didn't much matter to our cute kids...

And we did get them up for a few minutes at a time.

Maggie just wanted to help carry the kite back to the starting point.

She wasn't really ok with letting hers sit on the ground while we got one up for Dallin either...

But then she decided running was ok. Here we are getting ready to put Dallin's kite up.

It didn't work out so well...

At least not at first. But then it got up and Dallin was trying to chase it.

Then Dallin wanted a turn to fly the kite...

I really wasn't sure if he would be able to get it up or not....

But he did...

And he was SO happy about it!!!

What a fun time to fly the kites! This was a few weekends ago... The same one that Maggie decided to take a walk off the fireplace. So this blog got put on hold for a little bit.
By the way - Maggie did fabulously getting her staples taken out on Monday. I think she was much more upset about being held down that actually having them taken out. The downside to the visit was that she had pink eye and an ear infection. But we are taking care of that!


Anonymous said...

What an awesome Mom you are! The pictures are great and flying a kite is soooo much fun. I have never had much luck flying kites. Perhaps someday.......Put it on my 'bucket list'. Love you, Mom