Thursday, April 2, 2009

Does she not learn?

Remember this??? Just 4 days ago????

Ya - I am not sure Maggie remembers it. Even though the staples are still in her head. We have an appointment to get them pulled out on Monday. I will let you know how that goes...

Anyhoo - Today I was getting ready to run out. Asked Maggie to get in her car seat. As I am getting the keys I hear, "Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee".

Well - this can't be good. I look out in the garage and find Miss Maggie swinging from the rope that tells us how far we can pull into the garage...

Of course, the FABULOUS mother that I am, I don't tell her to get off for fear of her splitting her head open again. I go get my camera.

She was doing all kinds of acrobatics.....

Then - as I am looking at the playback of this exact photo... I hear a THUNK.... WAAAAAAAAAA....
She fell flat on her back. UGH... Atleast it didn't split it open again. I can just imagine the conversation...

"Are you here to have her staples taken out already?"

"No, actually - I need you to put more in..."

"Oh sure - I will do that right after I call Child Services...."



Anonymous said...

I can't wait to hear whether she let go and fell or if the rope came out of the ceiling! What a hoot! (At least from where I'm sitting)Love the new header for the blog! Enjoy conference this weekend, if Maggie & Dallin will let you! Love you all, Mom

Unknown said...

What I love is that you seem to have your camera permanently attached to some part of your body. You take pictures at the most inconvenient times! It's awesome!