Thursday, December 27, 2007

Raising Children

I really really try to let Dallin make a lot of his own choices. I really do. But apparently I need to learn to ask just once if he needs his coat. This morning at 8:00 it was 8 degrees outside. Frigid! I have a fire going - so it's nice and toasty in the house.

As we were getting ready to go to the "movie store" to claim our free December movie rental I said, "Dallin, it is very cold outside. Would you like to wear a jacket?" Not to my surprise he says, "No fank you." As I am getting Maggie's jacket on, I asked, "Would you like to wear a jacket?" As if the answer would change... "No fank you." At least he is being polite about it. As I am putting on MY jacket I asked, "Are you sure you wouldn't like to wear a jacket?" He answered, "Mom, are you sure you wouldn't like to wear snow pants??" Point taken. I will only ask once from now on.

However - we weren't even to the corner and he was "FREEZING COLD!" I said, "I am sorry, honey. I get cold when I don't wear a jacket in the winter too." Maybe he will answer, "Yes fank you" next time....


Anonymous said...

I haven't checked your blog lately. busy busy. But this one cracked me up. I love it! Kids are so stubborn. I would love to hear about the next time you ask that question...