Saturday, December 15, 2007


We have been a house of sickness! Monday Maggie started throwing up. She continued through Tuesday. Then Tuesday night I was at a meeting at someone's house for church. Near the end, I asked if we could have this be the end because I wasn't feeling well. Before leaving her home, I threw up in her bathroom. That is a little embarrassing. I continued through the night. At my 5:00 am bout, Scott comes into the bathroom asking if I want him to stay home that day. I very quickly said YES! He had the kids all day while I slept and recovered. Maggie is just starting to eat well again, and I am still a little nervous to eat. Luckily Scott and Dallin haven't gotten it.

With the sickness plaguing our home and insane cold that we have been having, Dallin has had cabin fever like nobody's business! We were driving yesterday and Dallin says, "Mommy, I saw water shooting up into the sky and it fell on a really big pile of snow!" I looked around to see what he was talking about and this is what I found!

This apartment complex down the street from us has a fountain and they haven't turned it off this winter. So it is frozen over. I tried to get some pictures. I think I will need to wait for a blue sky day and try again. But these are still pretty cool.
Here are some cool cold shots of our backyard...

And here is Maggie after she started eating again - Malt-o-Meal.... good for cold mornings!!


Tam said...

I am so sorry to hear you got sick. We got the same thing on our vacation and it is still with us. It just keeps recycling!!! I am so tempted to open all of the windows and just freeze the germs away!! But since our highs are right around 20 and our lows can be about 7 it may not be a good idea.
Hope you start feeling better soon

Anonymous said...

ohhh bummer you got sick. only bad thing about winter is cold season. I hope you start feeling better soon, but hey nothing makes you avoid holiday treats like the thought of being sick! ;0) just trying to find the bright side. feel better soon and stay warm, it looks so cold there!