Sunday, December 30, 2007

Memory of Children

Have you ever felt like a broken record telling your kids to stop jumping on the furniture or don't forget to wash your hands.... or something that you just can't figure out why they can't remember it?

About 6 months ago Dallin and I had a conversation about the Incredible Hulk. He wanted to watch it. Where he heard about him - I will never know. I told him that when I was a young child I wanted to watch the Incredible Hulk. (Now this is my recollection of what happened - that can always be a little skewed as I was quite young) My mother said that I couldn't watch it because I would have nightmares. I must have worked her down from No to Whatever, because I ended up watching it. Maybe I was being sneaky and now my mom knows... I don't remember all of those details. But, it turned out that I did in fact have nightmares about that handsome doctor who turned into the ferocious green hulk!

So I told Dallin about how I had nightmares because I was too little when I watched The Incredible Hulk.

This morning at breakfast, out of the blue, he asked if he was big yet. I didn't understand what context he was using "yet". So I asked him. He asked if he was big enough to watch The Incredible Hulk yet. How in the HECK does he remember that conversation from ages ago and yet as I am typing this I am hearing Scott say, "Dallin - we have talked about not jumping on the furniture!!!"

Is this payback?


Tam said...

K just amazes me. We will be sitting there and all of the sudden she will say "mommy do you remember..." and she will have every event right and even comments that were made. I can never say yes to something unless I really mean it because she will remember it and not let it go.

Rachel said...

Boy did you hit the nail on the head. The experience you have just shared is one I'm sure that repeats itself daily at your house and mine. I'm pretty sick of this selective memory thing myself!!!!

Jocelyn said...

ENZ Cha-mae Nim!
I ran into your blog by pure and utter chance while lookingat another friend's blog (Woolsey) Nice to see you're doing well.

Oscar (Delgado) Hyong.