Monday, February 11, 2008

Ramblings of a proud mother

This post is going to be ramblings about nothing really - yet of some of the people that are most important to me - therefore it's really about everything...

Yesterday after church we got both kids down. So Scott and I decided to nap as well. Hey - it's Sunday and we have early church. Isn't that what you are SUPPOSED to do? Well, D decided to get up after an hour or so and he went down to watch a cartoon. I was like, fine! Let me sleep some more. A little while later he comes back up and M is starting to cry. (This is how incredibly LAZY I am!) I asked D to put some books in M's crib so that she could look at books until I decided to get up. My good little man went and did what I asked. Then went back downstairs again... A little while later I am hearing M huck the books out of her crib. She kept throwing... and throwing... and throwing... I did wonder where she was getting all those books to throw. But being the LAZY Sunday afternoon that I was enjoying - I didn't bother getting up to check. Then Scott went in to get her. He let me know that I needed to look at her room when I got up. So I did... When I got up... It wasn't right then...

I think that D put every stinking book that was in her room into her crib!!! What an obedient little boy!!

Today D decided that he wanted to go and spend his birthday money at Toys R Us. So we got ready to go. I called for M to get her coat on. She LOVES to get her coat on. I think she thinks it means she gets out of our house for a bit. Well - she USED to love to get her coat on. Now she thinks it is totally fun to run the other way. She runs and laughs as hard as she can. Today she found a new spot to hide from me. Lucky for me there isn't anywhere for her to go after she hides here.

She runs into the bathroom and hides under the bathroom sink. I wonder how long it will take her to realize that she is right where I want her there!!??!! Little stinker!

So then D decides that he REALLY REALLY wants a Captain Jack Sparrow outfit. That and some cars pretty much used up all but $2 of his b-day money. But hey - whatever! I was not wanting him to get it AT ALL! But I have to admit that he looks pretty funny! After quiet time we are going to put the painted eyes on D's eyelids. Yes - it comes with about 10 pairs of eyes, a bird tatoo, 3 rings, his compass, belt, sword and bandana with braided hair coming out of it!

Then for lunch I decided that I was craving rice and kim. Kim is salted roasted seaweed. It's Korean. I bought some last week. It is REALLY yummy!

You take the kim and put it over the rice and then using chopsticks tuck both ends of the kim under some rice and stuff it into your open watering mouth. It is so yummy and crunchy and salty!! mmmmmmm... I was eating at the table with the kids and D decides he want to try it. I let him. He promptly spat it out and said, "That is YUCKY!" That is fine with ME!! I don't want to share anyway!! One plateful just wasn't enough so I got another plateful and some more kim. D said, "Is it going to taste any better than before?" I said, "No honey... It's going to taste the same." D - "Then I don't want to try it again - it was YUCKY!" heheheheheeee... But I guess I ought to be glad that he tried it, eh??

Oh - my children! I sure do love 'em!!!


Anonymous said...

Cool! Tattoos! One day soon you can send D down to Texas to stay with us for a week and he and Lance can hang out. He'll come back to Utah with some tattoos that won't ever come off!

Mean ol' Uncle Kevin from Texas...

Monica said...
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Rachel said...

that's funny - kim is one green thing I can actually get Stomper to eat. He'll chow it down like potato chips. Speaking of which, I hear a bag of those calling me...gotta go!

Anonymous said...

How fun, I love ramblings I do them too sometimes. And I think I agree with D on the seaweed, yuck...I have tried it before and not a fan, but whatever floats your boat:) love ya Mandy

The Gordon Clan said...

Hey - just so you know, it's not being lazy that you send your kids to take care of each other - you are just teaching them kindness. Right??? That's what we do with Drew - go play with your brother - we're tired. Slave labor - it's the whole reason to have more that one kid. :-)

lindygirl said...

Dallin must have gotten his obedience from his Uncle Jeremy!
David got the same pirate outfit for Christmas!