Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentine's Day

Exactly 3 years ago today, we had been living in our home for 2 weeks. My son was 2 weeks past his 1st birthday. (We moved in on his birthday) He loved to stand on the chair in the kitchen and play in the sink. Mostly he liked to stir water and pretend it was something to eat and put whatever he was stirring with in his mouth. It was very cute. And served as GREAT entertainment while I made my husband an incredibly deliciously amazing meal. (Although I can't remember now what it was except for the asparagus) As I was preparing my wonderful delightful meal - it involved chopping asparagus - which Scott isn't a fan of because he says it makes - well, that is makes his, ok... his pee stink. (ok.. I said it) As I am chopping away, Dallin falls off the chair onto his back. He cried and I thought to myself, I really shouldn't put him back on the chair. But because I was on a mission of chopping the vegetables, I did it anyway. Within a minute later he was back on the floor on his back screaming even harder. This time I noticed a bloody spoon on the floor. I freaked out. I didn't know where the blood was coming from, just that there was a TON of it! Did the spoon puncture the back of his throat? Was it the top of his mouth? Was it his tongue? UGH! And of course our pediatrician's office is still in Salt Lake. And it was 5:01 pm anyway and they wouldn't be open. So I called the KidCare by our house and they said that they had an appointment at 6:00 pm or something. In my mind, my son would bleed to death by then! Finally the bleeding slowed and I found that he had punctured his tongue almost halfway from the side to the middle. We don't have an ice maker in our house and so didn't have any ice and it was the middle of winter so of course no popscicles... I called my neighbor asking her to come over with ice. Although he wouldn't suck on it. Finally I calmed down and called the doctor's office back. They said there really isn't anything that they could do about a tongue wound. It did heal incredibly fast. But the scar is still there. Everytime I see it I feel this rush of total guilt that I put him back on that chair! I don't know if you can really see it in this picture. I can - simply because I know where to look.

Also, please excuse the little red spot on the side of his mouth. He licks it all the time and it is constantly red and chapped.

So this year, while the kids are down (except I hear D tromping around upstairs) I got most of dinner made. I roasted garlic for the first time in my life... I am making Pioneer Woman's Garlic Mashed Potatoes.

Grilling some ribeyes... I know this is a lot for us, but I had frozen it in a three pack intending to use it for something else. He can have a really great lunch tomorrow and maybe share with some people at work!

And then I am trying my hand at an apple pie. I am not much of a pie maker. But I don't really know how you can go wrong with Pillsbury Roll out Dough and Pie Filling canned by the neighborhood canning guru!

But shhhhh... Don't tell Scott. It's a surprise! Along with the $30 bouquet of roses I bought myself!!! (just kidding)

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!!


Tam said...

You put me to shame... Michael got Papa John's (or Murpheys... can never remember) heart shaped pizza, potato wedges that turned out very salty and store bought cupcakes. But in my defense I am still not feeling all that great from the flu and the kids were really driving me crazy!!

Rachel said...

I am so totally impressed with your dinner! Way to go. Our kids have been so sick this week that we kind of just blew off valentines day. And that's quite a story about D's tongue...gotta love those good mommy moments.

lindygirl said...

Monica, the tongue picture is disturbing. I talked to the internet people and they said that you have to remove it. Sorry.