Monday, February 4, 2008

That dang groundhog!!!!

Snow Snow and more snow!!! I know it is needed. I know we don't want to be in a drought. I know I don't want my house flooded this spring too! I haven't seen snow like this at all since living in Utah. This is truly absolutely crazy. It is quite fun on days that we don't have anything to do or anywhere to go... But my poor husband has to drive all the way into Salt Lake for work every Mon - Fri. We are almost out of milk and will probably have to go out after naps. But honestly... I think everyone is pretty sick of shoveling this stuff!! So I read on the internet that the groundhogs were split. One said 6 more weeks of winter and one said it's around the corner. I think we are in for the 6 more weeks.

Here is our birdbath. The snow has almost made it up to the bath part.

Here is Dallin's lawnmower that he was using as a snowblower on our grass. He got tired of it and didn't bring it in. I think it is out there for the duration. Didn't we have some swings out there??

Here are my raised beds. I do dream of the day that I can get out there and start working!

This is the front of our house. Poor Scott has piled all this snow up on the sides of our driveway.

This is the street. Yes - our mailman came to me and said, "Ma'am - I need to talk to you about your mailbox." I know - I know. He has to be able to drive up to it. Well would you tell the snow plow people to stop piling it in front of our mailbox then!!???!!!???

And this is the 80 some odd widow down the street who is shoveling out her driveway. Although, she doesn't drive. Doesn't even own a car. I do feel a twinge of guilt that I am not down there helping her. Instead I am just taking her picture.

SO - what are WE doing this fine snowy day??? PLANTING TOMATO AND PEPPER SEEDS!! And Dallin wants to plant a few sunflower seeds. It's a little early... but heck - why not?? We got a sunflower head from Miles and Marian that was about an 8 foot sunflower. Hopefully ours grow that big too!

So I got these little pellets. They are supposed to grow in water.

They aren't growing very fast... So what are we doing while we are waiting? Making fish faces...

And jumping from chair to chair...

And then they still aren't rising very fast so the kids are watching Signing Time while I am blogging. I love this Signing Time. It's about Pizza. Have you ever had bread on you pizza? How about ice cream?? You probably won't get that unless you have watched the 3rd Signing Time. Sorry...

Well - MANDY and JARED!!!!! Enjoy your 67 degree weather in Texas! (Oh and Kevin in Texas) We are just enjoying our snow. (not) If this keeps up we won't be able to see the birdbath at all!!!!

By the way - we were telling Dallin to go to his room the other night and Maggie yells out "GO" with both pointer fingers pointed out in front of her. I guess she is learning from the Signing Time videos!!

Another by the way - I have had 3 days of NOT BEING SICK!!! I am so incredibly happy right now!!!!!!! Maybe I have passed the sick hump!


Ashley Rae said...

I am so sick of this snow, too- my husband argued with me when I said that this is the most snow we've had in years. What does he know?

Oh and yes, the wonderful silly pizza song. My daughter LOVED that one. :)

Anonymous said...

Ummmm, I just went to lunch and it's not 67, it's 83... :))

Anonymous said...

Yikes looks cold, we hit the 80's today! Guess, we are the other ground hog. Sorry. But the blanket of snow sure looks pretty.

Tam said...

We have had so many warm days that all of our snow was gone until yesterday when we got a storm go through. We only got 4-5 inches though... nothing like you are getting. Makes me wonder what my old house looks like right now.

Good luck with the feeling better... I hope you keep it up.

The Gordon Clan said...

Oh dear, that is a lot of snow! I feel bad for you and a little jealous at the same time. Here, we sweat pretty much non-stop. I guess it's always greener on the other side. And, yeah for you not being sick - I hope it continues!!!