Sunday, March 29, 2009

You thought YOU had a bad day?

Poor Cinderella... She really got her head bit off....

Maggie decided to just to bite it off...

But I guess karma can really get ya...

Hmmmm... where are we at??

That would be Wee Care Pediatrics. Maggie decided to climb up on the wood stove today. I said to her - Maggie, get down please.

Instead of CLIMBING down - like she got up there... she stepped off of it, falling head first into the brick hearth.

This is the numbing cream they put on her before STAPLING her head back together.... Oh - and the pretty bows in her hair??? Those would be the gauze strips in the doc's office. We had to keep her hair out of the wound....

Here the doctor is putting the staples in her...

This was heartbreaking for me. I almost started crying along with Maggie right here....

And here she is.... All stapled together...

Ugh - what a day. All this was happening while my friend from college and her family were over for dinner.

And another bad part? I CAN'T WASH HER HAIR UNTIL TUESDAY!!!!! My kid has to have blood in her hair for 2 whole days!!!!! (Sorry - I just had to complain. That is my vain streak...)

I guess karma has a way of getting back :) Maybe Maggie won't bite anymore heads off her princesses....


Anonymous said...

Oh my heck! Maggie does keep you hopping doesn't she? I'm glad she has such a great Mom! Okay Maggie: No more biting heads off, no more climbing on the wood stove, and listen to your mother!! Love you all, Mom

Beefche said...

Too bad this isn't around Halloween...Maggie could go as Frankenstein. Poor darling.

Robyn said...

Oh....poor Maggie. I hurt just looking at the pictures. On a positive note, at least the scar will by hidden by hair. It would have been worse (looking) if it were on her beautiful face. Kiss her head for me.

LBBlum said...

yikes! She is one tough cookie!-

Rachel said...

I know I'm about to jinx myself here, but we still haven't had a trip to the emergency room/instacare yet. I know it will happen some day and I'm NOT excited. Poor Maggie. Poor you!