Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Gramma's Visit

My mom came out this way to help a friend drive cars here since they were moving. We were able to hang out a few times. Today we went to the Asian Buffet. This is one of Dallin's favorite places to eat.

Maggie kept saying, "I see a big plane!" The restaurant is right by the base and they were flying lots today.

Dallin loves the cantaloupe. I think he ate his weight in it today.

It's leaking down his chin :)

But his FAVORITE part is the ice cream he gets after he eats all his chicken and fruit!

Tons of shrimp were eaten.

Altho Dallin wasn't about to try any! He was hilarious. He promised gramma he would try it when he turned 12! I am definitely keeping him on that one!

Maggie downed the fortune cookies.

Dallin read his. I love that he is reading!

Thanks, gramma for a great visit! We are planning on spring break to drive out to the mid-west for a visit!