Monday, November 23, 2009

Sledding and Snowball Fights!!!

One good thing about the snow over the weekend is that we can now sled down the little hill in our backyard!


It wasn't totally great the first run...

But once the trail was groomed - it was AWESOME!

Maggie wasn't too interested at first. But after watching Dallin do it over and over, she must have decided that it couldn't be too bad!

He tried to push her down at first.

It just didn't work, so he pulled her for a second...

Then decided to throw a snowball at her!

Yep... She likes it! After that one she decided that she needed to do it over and over!

She likes the snow... Go figure!

Dallin LOVES throwing snowballs~ I am just proud of Maggie that she is covering her face....

As Sensei Jeff says, "Protect your grill! Cause no one else WILL!!!!"

Fun day in the snow!

Until it got to cold. Then we went in and warmed up! Although, I have to admit. I wouldn't mind if it all melted...


Anonymous said...

Great new blog! Awesome pictures and I love pies too!! I'll be making 2 pumpkin pies today. Wish you guys were here to eat some too! Happy Thanksgiving my sweet MJ! Love you all, Mom