Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Disciplining Children...

Ok... My friend in Denver has this on her website - I laughed so hard that I was almost crying. In fact I STILL have a smile on my face ~ wondering if this might actually work! Some of you may have already seen this. I am sure it's one of those emails that goes around. And someone may have even sent it to me before. But I just don't remember things quite as well as I used to.

Some have wondered what I made myself for my birthday dinner! Well - it's called Cafe Rio. I decided that I didn't want to cook. I also decided that I didn't want to fight with 2 kids at a restaurant. So I called for mexican salad take-out! After dinner we got the kids down for bed and then Scott banished me to the bedroom to read Frankenstein while he cleaned up the kitchen! It was quite nice! I will be going to Kohl's to spend my birthday money tonight after Maggie goes down at 7. They are having the "Lowest Prices of the Season" sale today. So I better get there quick before they don't have another one! ;-)

By the way ~ Frankenstein is a very good read if you are in the mood to reflect on your actions towards others. It's been extremely enlightening. It really makes you think how your actions help to mold other's actions. Enlightening...

So... Back to the purpose of this post and hopefully you will laugh as hard as I did!!

Tough Love vs. Spanking

Most of America 's population think its improper to spank children.

So I have tried other methods to control my kids when they have one of "those moments."

One that I found effective is for me to just take the child for a car ride and talk.

They usually calm down and stop misbehaving after our car ride together.

I've included a photo below of one of my sessions with my son, in case you would like to use the technique.


A Friend



Tam said...

That looks really familiar!! I am glad you saw it as funny as I did.

UMMMM Cafe Rio, how I miss thee. I have looked for something at similar here and can't find anything. I finally found Costa Vida which is kind of like CR but then they closed shop. I think the fates are against me!!

And yes, I will be eating there almost everyday that I am in SLC next month!!! I am glad you had a good birthday. Remind me to tell you my last birthday story sometime. It's a winner!!!