Thursday, October 4, 2007

Our house this week ~ Boring...

Dallin has his chores done and is waiting patiently for Joyschool to start. I am transferring pictures from our camera to our computer and Maggie is playing in Dallin's room (of course).

As I am just starting to put the pictures on a new posting so that I can type while Maggie is napping, Dallin asks if he can play his computer games ( I said, "Just a minute, honey. I need to put pictures on-" He interrupts with, "Our blog." I really didn't think that my son was paying THAT much attention to what I do on the computer. But apparently he does!!! YIKES!!

So we haven't been doing all that much. Just trying to recover from the sicknesses around our house and emotionally recover from the snow that we received on Saturday. But only in Utah could it be 40 and snowing on Saturday and then warm enough for Scott and Dallin to clean Scott's bike on Sunday! Well, maybe elsewhere it could do that...

Maggie has been having some REALLY tough nights. Can you believe something this sweet could be up screaming and crying until 2 or 3 in the morning for multiple nights in a row??!!

Last night she finally slept through and I got my first full night's sleep since I can remember. Thus I am able to type coherently.

Dallin is just thrilled to be back in the land of the living (going to Joyschool and playing with friends). And Maggie is thrilled to have her OWN toothbrush! She has been watching us so closely brush our teeth that we thought it was time that she have her own.

Anyway - nothing really exciting happening here. I just thought I would post SOMETHING this week! We are supposed to have a beautiful but windy 83 degree day today and then all weekend our highs are to be in the 40s and 50s. We are going to start up the wood stove this weekend and make lots of soup! YUM!!!!


bechtold clan said...

utah weather always amazes me...I do love fall tho. Elijiah was pretty bummed about his soccer game being cancelled last week, and who knows the weather this weekend doesnt look much better! Miss you.