Wednesday, October 31, 2007

My Turn on the Basement!

I am SOOO excited! Scott took the day off yesterday (thanks Frank!!). He rented a machine to help him get the sheet rock on the ceiling. He cruised! Apparently he only rented the machine for 4 hours so he comes home and says, "I need to be down there without any distractions." (i.e. DON'T LET THE KIDS DOWNSTAIRS!) Luckily Dallin had joy school and I had grocery shopping that I had to do. So we left him to his business... I left to no ceiling and no upper part of the wall.

This machine is totally cool.

It cranks up to the ceiling and then he can screw the sheet in... Nifty, huh??

Can you imagine?? ME trying to hold up a 55 pound piece of sheet rock above my head while Scott is screwing it into the ceiling?? Ya - right.

So I get back and this is what I see!

Then I hear something familiar - but a little out of place... it's the washing machine. Monday is my laundry day. Apparently I didn't get it all done. Apparently my super hero hubby thinks he can do it all... Oh that's right! He can!!! The laundry is done now. Thanks dear!

So this is what our basement looks like now! Today being Halloween, I won't get anything done. But tomorrow - I will be taping off the seams, mudding, sanding, Scott will texturize the ceiling, I will be mudding, sanding, mudding, sanding... and then the fun part! PAINTING! A friend of mine even offered to take a day off work to help me paint! YIPEE!

Here is just a fun shot of Dallin from yesterday. I really try to let him be as independent as a 3 1/2 year old can be. He got himself dressed and ready for school yesterday. He has 2 left shoes on. What a nut! Is he flipping me off??

Oh - and we only had one injury! Pretty good! It looks tons better here - I should have gotten the shot right when it was fresh, but I don't do blood very well... Apparently Scott's finger came into contact with the claw side of the hammer. (ouch)


bechtold clan said...

Oh my gosh!! I love that invention...while khory and I were doing our basement- I was the one that lifted the sheet rock while he screwed it in the ceiling...MISERABLE. No wonder it took us so long! Your basement looks great I bet you CANNOT wait till its done!

Rachel said...

Wow, you are cruising on the basement - way to go!

Tam said...

The basement looks great. You know I have some projects here too. Are you and Scott in the mood for a little vacation in Denver...