Monday, October 15, 2007

Happy Birthday to me!!!

Well, my house hasn't been picked up, the laundry hasn't been done, I did finally get a shower and my hair dried by about 3:30 this afternoon! I haven't quite decided what to make for my birthday dinner! :) Scott says whatever I want because it's MY birthday - Does that include going out??!! Actually I think I want to save that for a no kids night! I did get to lounge on my bed during naptime and read Frankenstein uninterrupted! It was very nice... I hope Karyssa's birthday was just as loungey - but I doubt it! She had to go to school today!

I also got a call that I have been waiting for a long time to get... The baby that we lost was a boy. There weren't any chromosomal (sp???) problems ~ so we don't know what happened. I didn't realize that I would react quite as I did when I got the call. It wasn't out of the nurse's mouth a half a second before I was bawling. I so very much wanted a boy and kept calling this baby a "he" even though we hadn't found out yet. I guess I just had a gut feeling. Well, at least on our family history we can put Baby Boy Romney instead of just Baby Romney.

Last week I was teaching Joy School and our one lone girl was out of town. So I had 5 boys to teach about the letter E. It was very interesting to watch the boys. We have 4 very rowdy and uncalm ones and then one that is just shy and a lover of books... During play time the 4 rowdy ones were making play dough space ships and crashing them...

Then there was our calmer one. Just reading his books. He was quite happy though when it was time for clean up! He didn't have to pick up the little play dough pieces that were all over my kitchen floor! (One of which Maggie put in her mouth, swallowed, and then cried uncontrollably! And of course the 4 boys thought it was hilarious!)

This is the first time I have taught this year with this group together. It was really fun! For those who don't know, Joy School is a pre-school that rotates around to the different moms. So 2 days every 6 weeks I get to teach about whatever letter we are on that week. I did switch with another mom for week after next. So I will get a turn again then. They basically have free time, then lesson, art, snack, rest time, song time, story time and then outside playtime and then they go home. It's really neat to see the boys interact. During song time last week we did the hokey pokey and the boys LOVED it! I think I did something screwy to my hip though! It's been hurting ever since! (no old jokes from the peanut gallery!) I really didn't think much of it until Dallin was telling someone that I hurt my hip doing the Hokey Pokey... Then I felt REALLY old!!!

I guess that I ought to get to figuring out what I want to make for dinner! And planning my birthday dinner out with just my incredibly handsome hubby and no kids!!! Anyone want to come and watch 2 adorable children for me??? This one gets some really funny hair at the end of the day. Sticks up all on it's own!

This one is just busy busy! Here is thinks he is king of the blackberry bush! (We went and dug them out of Luanne's yard to plant in ours ~ do you think we should tell her??)

It would be a very fun night for you!!!


Tam said...

Happy Birthday Monica - I am glad to hear it was a good one. If I was still in town I would watch your kids.

Joy school is a good idea. Kessa is in "preschool" now and she really loves it. But it would be nice not to have to pay the tuition every month!!!

Happy Birthday make it a good one.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday again! I love reading your blog and seeing the pictures. I would love to watch the kids for you.......when will you be going out?? I can be there with a days notice if I can get a flight (and a little moo-la!). Let us know what you decided to have for birthday dinner.

Love you!

Anonymous said...

happy Birthday! Cute, sounds like an eventful birthday. Us moms never do get a real break do we?!?! Well I hope you enjoyed the bday dinner you made. That is really neat about the school thing too.

bechtold clan said...

Im just catching up on the blogging world of my friends....So glad you seem to have had a good birthday! Happy belated one!