Monday, July 21, 2008

Retiring of the Orange Belt and Lagoon

So Dallin had his belt test last Wednesday! He did great! He even broke a board with his foot on the first try!! Today was the belt retiring ceremony... I LOVE these kids with the white belts on their heads!!!!!!!

We haven't ever taken Dallin to Lagoon before. This was a first for us. And of course Maggie too! They both absolutely loved it! Now mom and dad on the other hand... Not loving it quite so much. But that's ok. It was fun to see the kids have fun!

Scott's sister and her family were in from Seattle. So the 2 siblings and their families that live in the area and we went to Lagoon together. It was so fun to see Carole's family! We rarely get to!

Now as we were waiting for people to gather for lunch we let our kids play in the fountain.

Maggie decided that she wanted to join in Dallin's fun and ran into the area while the water was off. The water came on and with that and the running that she immediately halted trying to miss the water - this was the result...

I really don't think that I could have possibly planned a shot better than the one I got on accident!!!
And thus this is the result...


bechtold clan said...

you guys are having a great summer I would say!! looks like a lot of fun.