Monday, May 5, 2008

It was a tie...

The Terminator did NOT win... But then neither did the dandelions... It think it was a tie...

This is before the nasty stuff...

This is after the nasty stuff...

I think I need to do it again. This is a monster dandelion that my sister found today!

I think I am afraid of it!


Beefche said...

Umm, you realize that you are KILLING your Mother's Day present from the kids??? Now, you're going to get dying flowers to put in your special Mommy's Day vase.

Stephanie said...

Wow! that looks like quite a difference to me, good job terminator!

Lisa Burbidge said...

flowers or weeds!! I only know the difference when they are found in the grass (HAHAHA). Glad to see all is going well. Lisa

Anonymous said...

Consistency is key! Keep it up and you will prevail! Don't ever, ever, ever, EVER let the yellow turn to white! (And NEVER blow the seeds around) Pick the yellow every time and dispose of it so they don't spread! Love you! Mom