Monday, May 12, 2008

Life around our house...

Nothing really exciting going on around our house today. Just getting ready for karate. Little Maggie is so funny. The picture didn't focus on her... but it's still cute...

After karate Dallin wanted to watch Lion King. But he wanted to watch it in French. So he did. For a little while anyway. Then he decided that we should go outside. It's been raining last night and this morning. I thought it would be good to get out and start turning some dirt where I want to plant sunflowers and Love Lies Bleeding.

As most of you probably know, I was and I guess still am kind of a priss. I would never be caught camping without being forced to. Riding a bicycle? Heck no! Working outside? Only if my parents told me I couldn't curl my hair if I didn't... I don't know. Kinda lame. I have changed my prissy ways for the most part. I LOVE to garden and get my hands dirty now. Although today, since it rained, all the snails have decided to come out and play. Dallin put one right in my face today and I screamed. It wasn't pretty.

He decided that he would put them on a stump in our backyard. Then Maggie decided to come over and step on them. Dallin (my tender heart) cried. We put the ones left living in a jar with some grass.

I went up to check on Dallin during quiet time and this is what I found.

This and laundry is what is going on at our house today! Fun!


Tam said...

I know they are out there but we just don't have the snails like we did in SLC. Whenever it was even moist outside we would have them crawling over each other. Kessa always had the hardest time and I used to have to carry her to the car. Good times!!!