Friday, May 2, 2008

The Terminator

Flowers... I love flowers!!!

This year my tulips are actually coming up! The Young Women in our ward planted them for me when we lost our first baby.

I love the yellow ones... But not this yellow one! This yellow one is of the devil!

It definitely multiplies and replenishes the earth!

So - I got out the dandelion digger and started digging. And digging. And digging. Then my friend Janelle came over and said to get this spray. So I did!

I read the warning on it. And what you had to where. This is some nasty stuff!! You have to dress from head to toe and wear gloves and everything! So I did.

This is Dallin's attempt at getting me in the picture. I think he did a good job! These are coveralls that a 6'5" friend gave to Scott. I am 5'7". It's a little big...

But I felt like I was tough... so that's ok. So hopefully in 8 hours we will see dead dandelions in our backyard instead of yellow ones. eeeks... I really stink. That stuff is gross!


bechtold clan said...

You look awesome! KILL those awful things!

Tam said...

There was an ad in Utah that I always loved about dandylions. The punch line is "I may be a dandy but I am also a lion!!" I laugh every time. But I know what you mean. I was out today trying to get the ones that are coming up here. Kessa loves them though because when you blow on them they fly. As soon as I give her the chore of weeding she will change her mind though - I am sure of it!