Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day

Happy Memorial Day everyone!! We had a really great day! We had friends over this evening for really great Garlic Marinated Steaks, this totally cool looking cake, garlic bread, watermelon, chips, pumpkin roll, broccoli salad! It was really fun! Our kitchen/eating area really isn't big enough to entertain in - but it was still fun! Unfortunately it rained most of the day.

Earlier in the day I taped off most of Maggie's stripes and then ran out of tape. Lowe's was closed today so I decided to paint what I had taped... Here is what it looks like so far! I am SO very excited for her room!!!
We are changing what we are doing in Dallin's room now too. But I will get into that when we get there...
Today while I was cutting up the watermelon, Syd decided to finish off my rinds...

What a doll!

Dallin gets a little excited when friends are over to eat, so before bed he had bread and watermelon for a snack. He has been obsessed with sunglasses today. Scott said, Do we have a mini-Bono here? So I had to take a photo...
And this is a picture of my very first cell phone when I got to Utah. I got made fun of pretty bad about it tonight...
Anyway - we had a really fun day with friends, food and paint!!!