Monday, December 8, 2008

December 16th...

What is significant about this date you might ask????

Oh.... You must not be a Mamma Mia! fan!!

It's the day that my favorite movie is going to be available for purchase! I suggested it for a Christmas idea. But was told last night I would have to use my own Christmas money to get it because Scott once again went over our agreed budget for this year!
I just adore Meryl Streep! I think she did a fabulous job in this show!! I think they all did a great job at singing when their first career isn't singing... Well - maybe an exception would be Pierce. But he got an A for effort!
8 days and counting!!!!!!!


LBBlum said...

I have not seen that movie! Sounds like it is a must.

bookenz said...

I am so there on Dec. 16th. Can't wait to sing along with it when I'm visiting.