Monday, December 29, 2008

Ice Skating

Today we went to The Ice Sheet with my mom, sis and her hubby. It was REALLY fun! I was SO proud of Dallin and the progress that he made in just an hour! I think this is something that we need to do more often!

This is Maggie with her cute little skates on :)

Dallin wanted to get right out on the ice. He was hanging on to Uncle Steve and Aunt Lynnette for dear life!

But his smile was the best!

As soon as we got out on the ice they had us get off so they could smooth is out. So we just took a photo. Maggie didn't want to participate...

Then it was time to get back on the ice!

Maggie wasn't so thrilled...

You would think for such a daring girl with no fear that she would have jumped at this chance...

But she didn't. So gramma just held her on the sidelines...
Dallin was doing a GREAT job!!!

And Maggie was content to watch!

We had Dallin try a bit on his own....

He did really well except for when he was flat on the ice..

Just look at the smile on his face. He fell and he fell and he fell.... But he kept getting up and trying again!!!

This is a fun series of pictures...

He got REALLY good at picking himself back up again!!

What a fun activity to do!! I would love to see if this is something Dallin would like to pursue. I wouldn't mind a hockey kid in the family!


Anonymous said...

Remember that there is fighting in hockey.

Joy said...

I used to take ice skating lessons. I was just learning to do that jump-turn in the air when I stopped. We had moved once again... shucks. CUte kids!! I agree there is fighting in hockey! be ye warned... lol