Saturday, December 20, 2008

Going through old pictures

We got our external hard drive this week. So I went though all of our pictures from our old computer, new computer and laptop. I think I got all the pictures on it. But it was really fun looking at old pictures. Especially with Dallin's 5th birthday coming up. I just can't believe that he used to be this tiny!

Dallin's first camping trip. We went to Moab and it rained! He was about 8 months old.

He was just over a year when we went to Arizona to see my grampa...

This was when Maggie was born... My dad came out for the blessing and took this.

There are lots more that I would love to post. I guess I can if I don't have anything to post...

A little tidbit that I don't want to forget - thus I am putting it on the blog...
Today we were out and about and Maggie was in her car seat crying for her "gas-eees". She was about to have a breakdown and I looked back to see if I could find them. They were on her face!

They are PINK! How could she not realize she was seeing the world in pink!!???!! That is SO something I would do!!!