Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Love is a battlefield....

Yes - it's true. With a love of food as intense as mine is.... It is definitely a battlefield!! People have been so gracious in complimenting me on my weight loss. It has been tough - but well worth it...

Well worth it until these babies come into my life...

Then it's not worth it at all. I just surrender.

The day before Thanksgiving my friends kids were out of school so they came over to help me make cinnamon rolls for Christmas gifts. They are actually PW's recipe (Pioneer Woman). Today she re-posted her Cinnamon Rolls 101 and it got me thinking that I never did post our cinnamon roll day.

We had a blast...

I mean we had a really good time.

M really didn't lick the spoon - she was just pretending for the camera. I promise. There is absolutely NO saliva on that spoon ;-)

I guess I didn't explain that we weren't making pizzas. But that's ok..

Even Dallin got into the mood of making these yummy morsels of love!

Maggie just wanted to get dirty.

Go figure. It was cute though - when the sunlight came into the kitchen she noticed that when she clapped her hands all these dust particles went floating in the air and she tried to touch them with her tiny fingers.

Then of course we had a lunch break! This chili is the BEST!

We had a really beautiful day. The kids were outside with hardly anything on.

We worked and worked and worked....

Never did we take a break - nope...

well - maybe once....

But look at all the Christmas rolls we did!!!

And we didn't eat ANY...

Well - maybe a few.... Like I said - I just surrender... White flag... Right up.


Anonymous said...

I will protect you from the calories and save you from surrendering!
I will banish the rolls to MY stomach, and then have to exercise more.

Steff said...

Holy cow! You are so cute. I think my kids have appeared on your blog far more often than on my own. In fact, I think they like you better than me. :o) But then again, I don't make them cinnamon rolls!

lindygirl said...

Very funny blog... could you send some of those this way? I could help you keep that weight off!

LBBlum said...

About sewing..
em.. that's why I called in my gals to help..
my friend Anjeny- she's the pro.. she cut and pinned everything together..I can only sew a straight line. Luckily for this project that is all you have to do.

(but the putting it together is confusing- so Anjeny was a HUGE help with that.)

Tricia said...

I need a friend who will help me make those! Very impressive.