Wednesday, December 24, 2008

T'was the day before Christmas...

...and all through the house,

Mom was rushing and shushing the kids all about!

Saying, "Hurry get dressed, we have to deliver!"
So fast that the kids would certainly shiver (since laundry's not folded!)

No socks in the house had a matching pair.
Good grief who has time to brush Maggie's hair!!

Floors to mop, beds to make for company coming...
Why do I always feel like I am running and running???

Finally Daddy got home and dinner we had,
Then off to deliver more rolls - oh so bad!

And when we got home it was time to make,
Our traditional home of gingerbread cake!

Maggie loved all the candy and frosting to eat!
And the end result was really quite neat :)

It was time to put on jammies and ready for bed,
But not before opening 1 present first... Dallin said!

So 1 present they opened because we were chipper.
What was it??? Oh fun! Christmas slipper(s)!!

Then out with Santa's bag and carrot and cookies,
Hot chocolate... What more would he want

And I am out of rhymes.. sorry.

Merry Christmas to all...
Hey - I never claimed to be a poet. I even failed 1 quarter of English in High School. It must have been the poetry quarter!!!


Rachel said...

That was very cute. Merry Christmas to you!

manderskids said...

Hey, I remember that Santa bag! I think I even have a picture of myself sewing the white fluff on it at Scott's parent's house! Merry Christmas!

Rajeswari said...


Its lovely the way you have written it.