Thursday, November 15, 2007

Carpet Finished...


Ok... You get two blog entries today! THE CARPET IS DONE!!!!!!!!

Now we have to go down memory lane for just a moment. Here are some photos of the house that we put an offer on. We hadn't closed yet... Just hoped that we would get it...

Now, Scott (Since he hasn't seen his basement yet as he is at work)... Here we go...

Are you ready?

Are you sure?

We still don't know quite what we are going to do with the wall...


I know it's not DONE yet... But now it's just the little punch list items! Everything BIG has been done!!!

I love my son. He is so funny! I was crying today because I was laughing so hard at the expense of our Carpet Guy's helper. I am sorry Carpet Guy's helper!

Before Dallin left for joy school he was incessantly talking to the carpet guys.

"I got new shoes before at the Wal-Mart" (we got him new shoes yesterday)

"I got this jacket before we took pictures at Target" (he was wearing his jean jacket from the pictures)

There were a few other comments made and questions asked and I just said, "I am sorry - he will be gone for 2 1/2 hours". They laughed and said it was ok.

He gets back at 11:30 and the Carpet Guy's helper was on the stairs. He says, "Are you back already?" I don't think he was trying to be mean. I think he was just surprised that school was over so quickly! He was SUCH a great sport. Because here is where the funnies began. And being the "Mom of the Year" that I am - I just laughed my butt off in the kitchen writing down what he kept saying.

Now remember our Carpet Guy's helper?

Dallin: "I like your haircut. You don't have none right there."

Dallin: "What's that?" Helper: "A carpet knife." about 15 seconds pass as Dallin is thoughtful. Dallin: "I have a butter knife." And then he went to the drawer to get it to show him.

Dallin: "Did you know that we went to the circus last time?" And then he proceeded to tell him everything that we saw at the circus.

Dallin: "Hey, Carpet Guy." Helper: "Yes?" Dallin: "I got a Indian Hat." (from joy school. they were learning about the letter I) And then gets it, puts it on his head and shows it to him.

I couldn't let the Carpet Guy's Helper suffer any longer and after wiping the tears from my face (but not the smile off my face) I told Dallin to go to bed. Luckily it was nap time.

I LOVE MY KIDS!!!!! It will be fun when Maggie is doing stuff like this. Should I be concerned that my son might be a little overly social???


Anonymous said...

I think you should have left the basement like it was when you bought the house: "Mid 60's Utah Retro" with that warm fake brick and wood paneling combo welcoming your guests into your basement with the Vegas-style carpeting. Now it's all "nice" and "modern" looking.

You should have never told me about this blog. :)

Tam said...

Looking good. Remind me to tell you our story from when we carpeted our basement in Utah!! It is really a funny one.

Anonymous said...

WOW looks amazing, you guys are impressive!!! Now come do cool things to my house. :) Hah, love it great job