Monday, November 5, 2007


That's right folks! She is walking! Very infrequently she will fall and not get back up but crawl. Let me re-phrase... She falls frequently... But most of the time she gets back up and walks on. Sometimes she does decide to revert to her faster mode of motion. Although she is pretty darn quick! I think her motivation was that our friend nicknamed her "Scooter" last week because she would scoot more than crawl. I think she has a little bullheadedness (is that a word?) that she won't be labeled! Hmmmm... I wonder where she got that from? Scott says me. I say Scott. Maybe a little of both??? Scott has now named her "Frankie" as she walks a little like Frankenstein. It is pretty cute to watch her waddle.


Tam said...

Good for Maggie. James is still doing the three steps then drop to his knees trick. Sometimes he will walk across the room and get really excited and then there will be wholes days at a time when he is not even interested. Owell he gets where he is going fast enough already!! We don't need to add running to the mix.