Thursday, November 15, 2007


I am really sorry for those of you who could care less about our basement renovations. It has just consumed our entire lives for the past little while. That and Enrichment Night for me. I am the Enrichment Board Leader for our ward at church. That means that I am ultimately responsible for an uplifting spiritual night with dinner 4 times per year. This past Tuesday was our last one for this year. So I had that and getting ready for the carpet guy all in the same week. Needless to say - this week has been stressful!

Here is our carpet guy working on laying our carpet. As you can see - the second layer of paint made a WORLD of difference on the walls. We have the upper trim put in and some of the outlets. I am so happy about the paint. I almost put on a 3rd coat yesterday, but just ran out of time.

As I was going through my camera this morning I found some photos that Scott took of Maggie at the table one Saturday morning... Just a cute one. A little yellow though...

And here is a picture of some of the girls singing at our Enrichment Night on Tuesday. It was a really neat night. We did the Women at the Well production which is talking about the women who followed Jesus Christ in His time.

See the cute one in the red skirt? That would be my baby sister that was born when I was a junior in high school. Now she is a sophomore in college. I was crying while she sang a solo for the final song. I should have been crying because of the message that was being given... But no - I was crying because I love my family SO very much. I started thinking about all my siblings and all my parents and grandparents. That may sound a little silly. But I have lots of parents and grandparents... You will read more about that tomorrow!